So this is the first application. I would like to show you right off the bat. This is the new analog clock application, which comes from myself, it’s, very, very simple um. You know 12 hour, traditional analog clock i’m, actually going to reboot again to get rid of it because i’d like to show you a really empty machine because we’ve changed the default set of apps on the machine. Now so by default, uh, the only apps you’re going to see if you try fire up the launcher, are the settings app and the software app, and this is there to save ram. So a problem we’ve had in most boss is that if we turn on all the applications and there’s, not enough free ram for you to write your own applications and writing your own applications is absolutely the essence of what ospos is all about. So we want to have lots of space for users to write their own applications and just to give you a sense of what that means is i’ve just turned on a single application there with the software application. I’Ll show you in a minute which brings in the self test and in the self test. I can pull in the memory test, which will show us how much free ram. There is at various points in time, and you can see here that it takes it’s about 12 and a half k left and some of that ram will have been used by the test.

App that i just enabled. So if i go back to the software and enable all the software at this point, so software is basically just a simple application that allows you to use these check boxes, which are another new feature of waspos, the checkbox widget to turn on additional applications. And when we turn them on, they start consuming ram, but before they’re turned on they’re, essentially free, they don’t cost us any ram at all, which means we can now ship a watch that is capable of running lots of applications and watch that can be used for Development, all in the same unit and without having to make any specific customizations. So you can see we’ve got lots and lots of apps enabled in the launcher now so first off i’m, going to show you a alarm application, which was contributed by a pseudonymous user called syrage42, and this allows us to set an alarm that goes off at some Time in the future so i’m going to set this to go off at quarter past four i’ll take the tick box and then, when i exit that will arm the alarm, and so at some point in the demo shortly we’ll see the alarm come in and interrupt Our our flow, so next off i’d, like to show you the calculate application by um jonas um. So this is a fairly simple calculator, although when i say simple, it does have some nice properties like. I can do one plus two times three, which, if you type into a really simple calculator, we’ll evaluate a 9 because it gets the precedence of the multiply and the equals, and the plus operator is wrong on this application.

It will correctly give us the answer. 7, because we multiply first and then we do the addition so, like i say so: it’s a nice little atlas it’s following the system, color themes now so it’s got this blue theme, which is our default uh, just as you’ve seen before in the settings application where We’Ve got sliders that are basically blue, that same blue is being inherited by the calculator to give us the colors. So you’ve seen the analog clock application, which is from me and the next one, is another application from uh uranus, which is the fibonacci clock, which is a delightfully geeky little clock where you can calculate the time by the combinations of colors and area of the colored Blocks so this is telling us it’s approximately 10 minutes past 4 at the moment, based on the edge size of the blocks and adding them together. So the the green is giving us the minutes at the moment, uh that’s got two on the edge. We multiply that by five and it gives us ten um and then we’ve got a one and a three which we add together to get four so that’s telling us it’s ten past four um it’s only accurate to the nearest five minutes, um, which is good um And you then have to to to work from there to calculate the time, um so that’s, just a fun note for now, i’ve always read the time if you like um you’ve, seen before the game of life uh, the game of life has never been included by Default you’ve not been able to enable it with the gui by default.

So what we have now is that capacity to turn on the game of life, which is particularly memory hungry um, and we can label that by default – or at least we can leave it disabled by default. But we have a gui route to enable it. We also have a music player by um, carlos gill. This i can’t show in its full format, moment because i’m using my phone for something else and therefore i can’t actually start music playing. But it shows you the name of the artist and the track we can play and we can pause that’s, sending messages to a companion application such as gadget, bridge and swipes will control things like volume and at this point, interruption our alarm’s gone off. So we’ve got this alarm vibrating at us. To tell us. We’Ve got a message: uh, we click it. We go to the arm up. We can disarm the alarm uh and leave. So if i go back to the music application, we’re looking at um swipes will give us track advance and volume control. So we can control media playback with the watch. We can have our phone in our pocket our headphones on and we can use our watch while we’re walking around to change the track. We’Ve got another application from um from uh uranus um, which is going to give us um, which one’s a snake game. So this one is a classic snake game where we can run around eating the food uh.

The thing is longer and it will calculate the high score i’m not going to place it very long, partly because i don’t want you to recognize how rubbish i am at it, but also just so that it ends, and it shows us our high school down. That says, we’ve got high score of four and we could play the game again or we could go back to the menus. I was the torch you’ve all seen before that’s just a white screen, so i shouldn’t show you that, but what i will show you, the self test, going back to the free memory after we have been initializing all these applications we’ve gone from 12k free ram to 6K, free ram 6k is really really tight for doing development, it’s difficult to actually upload the source code and compile it on the watch so that’s. Why we have this this nice hybrid to the software application? The last feature i’d like to show you today is the um, the theming system, um. In fact, i’ll show you a couple of things we can do with main.pi. So all these um main.pies what’s happening at the moment i’m just running on my private computer. It connects over bluetooth and it updates the um domain.pi and main.pi allows us to customize the watch in a variety of ways. So this particular update has changed the theme, so theming was done by a developer called kosovo1 and he added a collection of um Music theming options.

So his original plan was he would like the bluetooth notification icon to be blue and i said that wasn’t acceptable to the defaults, but we could add a theming engine to sort it out. So the moment i’m running a strong orange theme. So all the themeable parts of the main applications have been orange tinted. The reason actually might be hard to see on the camera, but this center time is actually orange tinted but lighter orange than the other oranges, and we can get our split times and they’re orange. We can move to the sorry wrong way. We can move to the step counter. The status bar is marked up in orange, this zero and stick. If i shook it, we could get steps that’s, also orange the launcher has become orange, and the built in applications are also themed in orange. So we have that capacity to get all these excellent colorful themes, uh involved, which you can use the subtle modifications like the bluetooth logo, or you can use to have a bright green watch if you so wish. Um i’m gon na throw up another um different main up high, so main pipe now that’s. What i want sorry maimed up high runs when you boot um and it allows you to change what the watch does during initialization. So these example files are all going to be checked into the documentation directory um. This one is much more subtle. Now those it leaves the watch looking exactly the same, but there is software enabled by default, so the torch and the live application have been automatically labeled in the main dot pi um we can reach in.

We can see them in the check boxes. The check boxes that we can get rid of them again, but they will still cost us a certain amount of ram um because importing the module costs a certain amount of ram that cannot be reclaimed without a reboot, so that’s. What we can do and then the final thing i’ll show you with main.pi, is the automatic starting of the analog clock. So we can reach in to the system and change the default clock from digital to analog, and i have to, through the winter i’ve been running. This clock because it’s quite attractive, i have a suspicion that in strong direct sunlight, the digital clock will be more usable because the numbers are bigger. So the difficulty of reading this in strong sunlight i’ve not really tested yet, but those are all the features i wanted to show you and thank you very much to all the contributors which were silverage 42 uranus walk, carlos gill and coz of one. I apologize to miss pronunciations by the way i didn’t want to uh. I didn’t want to type them in. I wanted to have a go at saying them, so i hope people who have seen me mangle their names at least appreciate me having a go um so yeah. Thank thanks to all of those people for their contributions. It’S extremely welcome um and i’ll be back again at some point in the future with more waspos videos.nps8Kd2qPzs

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