
The Amazfit Cheetah Pro is a smartwatch that I have had the opportunity to review for a long period of time. Throughout my testing, I have gathered many impressions and thoroughly tested its features. As someone who has recently gotten back into fitness, I have paid close attention to the ergonomics and comfort of this smartwatch. I must say, it sits elegantly on the hand, providing a comfortable experience. I have never felt any discomfort, even when placing my mobile phone in my pocket. The fit is perfect, and one major advantage is its ultralightweight design. This smartwatch is truly a featherweight, making it ideal for daily use without feeling cumbersome or bulky.

Design and Size

Compared to my Apple Watch Ultra, which I use as my daily driver, the Amazfit Cheetah Pro is of medium size. Its appropriateness depends on the size of one’s wrist. Personally, I found it to be perfectly sized, neither too flashy nor too bulky. It strikes the right balance and serves as a proper sports watch. For runners, in particular, the size is just right.

Sports Performance

When engaging in physical activity with this smartwatch, sweating is inevitable. However, in the area where the watch is worn, I did not notice excessive sweating despite the presence of fabric materials. This is a significant advantage. Additionally, I enjoy training with this watch, and even after vigorous sessions or long runs, it does not emit any unpleasant odors. Washing the band is a simple process, similar to traditional watches. Just unclip the band and wash it.

The workout tracking feature of the Amazfit Cheetah Pro is quite impressive. I have used it on multiple occasions and found it to be accurate in displaying my current health status. For instance, I could see that my current heart rate was at 135-140, prompting me to slow down and take a one-minute break. Once I felt recovered, I could resume my workout. This functionality has proven to be useful. Similarly, during running sessions, if I noticed my heart rate was slightly higher, I could adjust my pace accordingly and then resume once I felt better.

Additional Features

I do not only use this smartwatch for sports but also as an all-rounder in various aspects of my life. While some smartwatches focus primarily on sports or health data, the Amazfit Cheetah Pro delivers well-rounded features. The heart rate monitor, in particular, impresses me with its accuracy. Additionally, the sleep analysis function is excellent. It provides results similar to those of my Apple Watch Ultra, and what sets it apart is its ability to track naps. This is a feature that I have been yearning for in other smartwatches, but the Amazfit Cheetah Pro delivers on this front.

Furthermore, the smartwatch offers blood oxygen level monitoring, similar to other smartwatches, consistently measuring between 95 and 100. Though it is a nice feature to have, I would not rely heavily on it, just as I would with other smartwatches. Finally, for women, the ability to track menstrual cycles using the watch is a valuable addition.

The Amazfit Cheetah Pro is an incredible smartwatch with impeccable performance in terms of comfort,

Functionality and Features

Let’s talk about the functionalities and features of the Amazfit Cheetah Pro Smartwatch. I couldn’t test all the functions, but I found one feature particularly impressive. With a single tap, it tracks multiple values such as heart rate, blood oxygen level, and stress level. Although I must admit that the stress level readings were not accurate, which is a letdown. Nevertheless, it’s a nice-to-have feature that I eventually deactivated because it seemed pointless.

Step Performance and Battery Life

Next, let’s discuss step performance and battery life, which are the major highlights for me. The Amazfit Cheetah Pro has an unbelievably good battery life. I can’t express it any other way. Amazon claims it lasts for 14 days, but I managed to go longer, probably because I didn’t use the always-on display feature. I continuously tracked my sleep analysis, heart rate, blood oxygen level, and stress level, and it lasted more than 14 days. When I switched back to my Apple watch, I realized how frequently I had to charge it, whereas with the Amazfit, I didn’t have to think about it even once. It’s truly remarkable.

Charging Time and Performance

Now, let’s address the negative point, which is the charging time. It is satisfactory, but honestly, with a battery life of more than 14 days, it’s completely acceptable. So, I forgive Amazfit for this minor inconvenience. On another note, I must mention that the menu occasionally runs a bit laggy, but it’s still within an acceptable range. The display could be a bit brighter for my liking because I couldn’t read it easily under strong sunlight. However, this is just a minor complaint on a high level. Another drawback I noticed is that it doesn’t support contactless payments, which is quite disappointing. Lastly, the crown…

Bereit fr die Lauffunktion?

Die Amazfit Cheetah Pro ist eine beeindruckende Smartwatch, und das macht sich auch beim Design bemerkbar. Die Krone fhlt sich nicht so hochwertig an wie bei einer Apple Watch, aber das ist ja auch kein Wunder, wenn man bedenkt, dass die Cheetah Pro im Vergleich viel gnstiger ist.

Ein Blick auf die Lauffunktion

Jetzt kommen wir zum wichtigen Teil – der Lauffunktion. Amazfit bewirbt dieses Feature sehr stark, also sollte es auch ausgiebig getestet werden. Leider bin ich kein Lufer und konnte diese Funktion daher nicht wirklich testen. Natrlich steht das Laufen im Fokus, aber ich kaufe mir eine Smartwatch nicht nur, um zu joggen. Ich mchte viele Funktionen haben, und die Cheetah Pro bietet mir fr 300 Euro nicht alle gewnschten Features.

Die vermissten Funktionen

Es ist schade, dass die Uhr nicht ber die von mir aufgezhlten Funktionen verfgt – das wre fr den Preis durchaus angemessen gewesen. Mit diesem Preisrahmen kann man jedoch nicht alles haben.

Das Fazit

Die Amazfit Cheetah Pro ist eine solide Smartwatch mit starker Betonung der Lauffunktion. Wenn du ein Lufer bist und diese Funktion im Vordergrund steht, dann ist die Cheetah Pro definitiv eine gute Wahl. Allerdings solltest du bedenken, dass sie nicht alle Funktionen bietet, die du vielleicht erwartest. Also berlege dir gut, welche Features dir wirklich wichtig sind, bevor du diese Smartwatch kaufst.

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