It. Apple has just released apple fitness plus, which is an incredible new subscription service with a bunch of fitness, guided workouts, which is available on your iphone. Your ipad, your apple tv and the core of the entire service, is on the apple watch, which, if you’re a fan of the channel, you know that i love the apple watch, which probably means that i love apple. Fitness plus starting a workout is extremely easy. Simply select the workout that you want select the trainer duration, the time that you want to work out and there you go. The workouts range from 10 to 45 minutes and you’ve got a bunch of different workouts to actually choose from you’ve got hit yoga core strength. Treadmill cycling, rowing dance and mindful cooldown, which we’re gon na get into that in just a second apple plans to add new workout sessions every single week, so there’s so many workout sessions already and if apple keeps adding them every single week. There’S gon na be a huge, a huge and phenomenal library for apple fitness plus here’s. My favorite feature on apple fitness plus. I know it might be small for some of you, but i mean if you’re an apple watch fan it’s, so cool to see it on screen. So in the top left of your workout you’ll see the stats, meaning the elapsed time, your heart rate and the calories burned, which that information comes from your apple watch. So your apple watch is technically displayed on the top left part of your screen, which is just it’s, so cool to see the stats of your screen and you don’t have to constantly look at your watch.

You can just see it up on the screen, which is very, very cool below the stats. You’Ll also be getting the burn bar, which lets you know how you’re doing comparing it to everyone else by your age and by your weight, which is very cool so i’m. Usually pretty below that, because i’m not i’m, not good, working out that’s, why i love so much about apple fitness plus, is that you can use it anywhere wherever it’s gon na keep me motivated, especially since it’s you know, got the same concept with the activity rings, Which is so cool, it’s, so cool? Now you know that i’m, a huge apple music fan well apple, music, is actually built in to apple fitness plus. So every single instructor in every single session has actually hand selected a playlist. A couple songs for that specific session, which you can later on add to your apple music library, on the top right of the screen. You’Ll be able to see your activity rings and every time a new song comes up, you’ll be able to see what song it actually is. I’Ve discovered so much good tracks. These these instructors are so good with music. They have a great selection of music, which is something that i really like. One thing that i would like to see on apple fitness plus is it’s awesome that the instructors are adding their own music. But what if i want to listen to my own music? That is currently not available in service and that’s, something that i would really like to happen once you finish, the workout you’ll see a summary with all your metrics to see how you did and then it will ask you hey.

Do you want to take a mindful cooldown, i got ta say i really like taking these mindful cool downs. I personally never took them before and they are super relaxing. To be honest, i took two of them today and i didn’t even do a workout. I just like doing them, and i just did let me know in the comments down below if that’s weird the machines that you’re seeing in the video is actually not mine, and i wanted to talk about that. You do not need equipment, you do not need expensive equipment to use apple, fitness plus, if you do have the equipment and you do have a treadmill. Your experience will get better because there’s certain workouts that you won’t be able to do. But of course, if you don’t have it you’ll you’ll be able to do a bunch of them as well. I’Ll link some down below some amazon links with some awesome equipment to enhance your apple, fitness plus experience from yoga mats to treadmills a bunch of stuff are linked down in the description. A couple other things that i wanted to mention in the review, and that is the instructors the instructors are so positive. Now i know it’s obvious. Nobody wants to see a sad instructor being like come on. Let’S start let’s lift up the weights once you finish, a workout you’ll realize what i mean they are not fake. Like sometimes you see some youtube videos. You know some guided workouts that they are like overly positive.

I really like the balance that they have. I imagine having a bad day and opening up apple, fitness plus and apple fitness, plus simply cheering me up i’m serious. They are so positive, they just simply tear you up, everybody. All the instructors are so awesome and by the way, um apple has actually released an apple fitness plus account, and if you go to the following, um you’ll actually be able to see all the instructors. So if you really like an instructor, here’s, a tip here’s a trick, you can actually go follow them on instagram, which is pretty cool, i’ve gone ahead and followed some of my favorite instructors, which, by the way, if you guys aren’t following me on instagram, you know What to do i absolutely love apple fitness plus my favorite thing about it is that it doesn’t matter if you’re, like a super athlete or if you’re, just like a weak person like me, apple, fitness plus, is for everybody. You can work out whenever, wherever with your iphone with your ipad with your apple tv, the best experience by far is with the apple tv. With you know, i personally got it hooked up with my projector, so the screen is huge and i see my activity rings. All huge the ipad would be next and then the iphone would be my least favorite um device to actually work out on, but once again the iphone is so portable it’s in your pocket.

So you can literally work out wherever you want. I love the fact that everything is controlled by the apple watch, my favorite apple device.NCHzg7r9ttM

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