
The AW12 Smartwatch Tipo Rolex is a highly versatile and stylish smartwatch that offers a wide range of features and functionalities. In this review, we will take a closer look at its design, notifications, settings, and various other aspects that make it a standout device in the market.

Caja y empaque

Comencemos por hablar de la caja del AW12 Smartwatch Tipo Rolex – Bisel Giratorio. Al abrir el empaque, podemos apreciar que est bien impreso y grabado. En la imagen del reloj que se muestra en el empaque, se pueden observar algunas de las funciones que tiene, as como el color del bisel. A primera vista, nos encontramos con distintas frases y referencias que nos indican lo que incluye el reloj.

Contenido de la caja

Al abrir la caja, nos encontramos con el reloj envuelto en una espuma protectora y una lmina plstica para proteger la pantalla. Adems del reloj, encontramos el cargador magntico de dos pines, un manual de instrucciones y una correa metlica. Esta ltima es importante, ya que las correas clsicas generalmente requieren una herramienta para ser quitadas. Vamos a dejar el reloj a un lado y explorar ms detalles.

Bisel giratorio

En cuanto al reloj en s, vamos a quitarle el plstico protector y observamos que el bisel tiene un llamativo color azul. Lo interesante es que este bisel es giratorio, lo cual puede apreciarse al darle una suave presin. Aunque tiene un pequeo juego, no se mueve de forma exagerada. Ahora, vamos a prenderlo para explorar sus funcionalidades.

Pantalla y botones

El reloj cuenta con una pantalla donde encontramos tres botones. El de arriba, uno en el centro y otro ms abajo. El botn del centro no se presiona como tal, sino que se gira. Mientras que el de abajo tambin se gira gracias a su rosca. Cambiando entre estos botones, podemos explorar distintas opciones y funcionalidades que ofrece el reloj.

Fondos que combinan

En cuanto a los fondos del AW12 Smartwatch Tipo Rolex, el ms combinable sera el que tiene el bisel azul. Esto se debe a que combina perfectamente con el diseo del reloj. La combinacin de colores es estticamente agradable y da un toque de elegancia a la apariencia general del reloj.

Pantalla anloga con pantalla digital

El reloj presenta la fecha y la hora en un formato que combina lo anlogo con lo digital. Esto significa que muestra la informacin de una manera clsica, similar a un reloj tradicional, pero utilizando una pantalla digital. Esta combinacin es lograda con xito, lo cual se puede apreciar fcilmente.

Brillo de la pantalla

La pantalla del AW12 Smartwatch Tipo Rolex tiene la capacidad de ajustar el brillo. Probamos el brillo mnimo y podemos decir que se ve bien. Luego, lo subimos al mximo y nos sorprendi gratamente el buen brillo que tiene el reloj. A pesar de que el flash directamente le pega, la calidad de la pantalla no se ve afectada, ni se nota una saturacin excesiva de colores. Bajamos un poco el brillo y se ve perfectamente bien, con una resolucin ntida.

Peso y correa

El reloj no es excesivamente pesado, lo cual es favorable para su uso diario. La correa est hecha de acero inoxidable y, a pesar de esto, no agrega mucho peso al reloj. Sin embargo, la caja del reloj cuenta con partes de plstico, especialmente en la parte inferior donde se encuentran los sensores y en la parte de carga de dos pines. Esto ayuda a mantener el peso equilibrado y a no hacerlo incmodo de usar.

La correa del reloj es clsica y normal para este tipo de relojes. Es bastante grande, por lo que en mi caso tendra que cortarla para que se ajuste correctamente a mi mueca. Sin embargo, esto no representa un problema, ya que se puede recortar fcilmente sin afectar la funcionalidad del reloj.


The design of the AW12 Smartwatch Tipo Rolex is both elegant and practical. It features a rotating bezel that adds a touch of sophistication to its appearance. The bezel allows for easy navigation and interaction with the watch’s functions, making it a delight to use. The watch also boasts a bright and vibrant display, ensuring clear visibility in any lighting conditions.


When it comes to notifications, the AW12 Smartwatch Tipo Rolex offers seamless integration with your smartphone. With a simple swipe downwards, you can access your notifications and the menu options for configuring them. The watch also provides a convenient silent mode, allowing you to disable notifications when needed. Additionally, it offers a battery-saving mode to help conserve power throughout the day.


The AW12 Smartwatch Tipo Rolex allows for extensive customization through its settings menu. By swiping upwards, you can access various settings and options, including notifications and messages. Swiping to the right reveals the option to add new cards, such as heart rate monitoring or sleep tracking. Swiping to the left presents quick access options, including a remote shutter for your smartphone’s camera and a music control feature when connected via Bluetooth.

Main Menu

The main menu of the AW12 Smartwatch Tipo Rolex provides easy access to a range of features and functionalities. It is divided into different sections, starting with physical activity tracking. Here, you can monitor your calories burned, steps taken, and more. The watch also offers heart rate monitoring and phone calling capabilities when connected to Bluetooth. Additionally, it provides measurements for blood oxygen levels and blood pressure. There is even a weather feature, allowing you to stay updated on the latest forecasts.

AW12 Smartwatch Tipo Rolex – Bisel Giratorio – Review – Revisado

Alarma y Crongrafo

The AW12 Smartwatch Tipo Rolex offers a wide range of features to enhance your daily life. One of its standout functions is the alarm and chronograph capabilities. With the alarm function, you can set reminders or wake up to your favorite tunes. The chronograph feature allows you to track and time various activities, making it a useful tool for athletes or those who want to monitor their exercise routines.

Reloj Mundial

Another useful feature of the AW12 Smartwatch is the world clock function. This allows you to easily view the time and date in different time zones, making it convenient for frequent travelers or those who work with international clients. With just a few taps on the screen, you can stay updated and organized across different time zones.


The inclusion of a calculator in this smartwatch is a handy feature for those who need to perform quick calculations on the go. Whether you’re splitting a bill at a restaurant or need to do some impromptu math, having a calculator on your wrist can save you time and hassle.


For entertainment on the go, the AW12 Smartwatch offers three classic games. One of the games featured is a bird-themed game that tests your reflexes and hand-eye coordination. The watch’s high-resolution display ensures a visually appealing gaming experience. The addition of these games adds a fun element to the smartwatch, making it more than just a timekeeping device.

Ajustes y Personalizacin

The AW12 Smartwatch provides users with the ability to customize their experience through various settings. One of these settings is the brightness adjustment, allowing you to tweak the screen brightness to your preference. This feature is especially useful in different lighting conditions or to conserve battery life.

Temas y Mens

The AW12 Smartwatch offers a range of theme options to personalize the look and feel of your device. From sleek and modern designs to more traditional styles, you can choose a theme that suits your taste. Additionally, the watch offers different menu styles, giving you the flexibility to navigate the interface in a way that is most intuitive for you.

Acerca del Smartwatch

To wrap up, let’s take a look at the overall specifications of the AW12 Smartwatch. This model, known as the W1, boasts impressive features such as a rotating bezel and a high-resolution display. The watch’s sleek design and customizable options make it a stylish and functional accessory for any tech-savvy individual.

The AW12 Smartwatch Tipo Rolex – Bisel Giratorio is a versatile timepiece that goes beyond traditional watch functionalities. With its alarm and chronograph capabilities, world clock function, calculator, and entertaining games, this smartwatch offers something for everyone. Its adjustable settings, personalized themes, and intuitive menus make it a convenient and enjoyable device to use. Whether you’re a frequent traveler, fitness enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates cutting-edge technology, the AW12 Smartwatch is worth considering for your wrist.

The AW12 Smartwatch Tipo Rolex is a feature-packed smartwatch that combines style and functionality seamlessly. With its elegant design, intuitive navigation, and extensive customization options, it is an excellent choice for those in search of a versatile and reliable smartwatch. Whether you are a fitness enthusiast or someone who appreciates a well-designed timepiece, the AW12 Smartwatch Tipo Rolex is sure to impress. So why wait? Get yours today and experience the perfect blend of style and technology on your wrist.

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