Welcome to the brief, authoritative history of night city. This chapter is devoted to so called styles, deeply linked with the history of the world and a very important aspect of life in the city. You can find them everywhere in cars, clothes guns, implants. They are your war paint, as one of our sponsors says it matters not if you’re dead, as long as you’re doing it in style. The moves on this girl, swish, swoosh, slicing them up like sashimi. Four visual styles are evident in the night city of 2077, each with its own history status and features neon, hair, illuminated tattoos and chrome function comes second looks are what matter i’m, your leader stanley, here with you, and we got another day ahead of us in this City of dreams, the fourth corporate war broke out and entropism was born vast and deep crises forced people to find ways to survive by any means getting the job done. No matter how was the primary goal? The look? Who cares? I love this town, love it like. You might love a mother who popped you out on the steps of an orphanage once and now stops you to ask if you got a smoke for her them, this job, this city, deadly, elegance, without ostentation corporate militaristic fashion, mostly seen in the wealthier parts of town Substance over style, that’s, the motto: Music, Applause, celebrities, brain dance, stars, business, magnates, heirs to corporate fortunes and corporate executives. They abandoned the cold deadly elegance of neo militarism and returned to the roots of kitsch, but gave it a fresh new look.

Oh, these hands sometimes seems like i just brushed something in sparks flying. Thank you for your attention. We wish you a very pleasant stay in our marvelous metropolis, good luck and goodbye legends know where you’ll find most of them the graveyard. Luckily, matters not where you’re from matters not where you start matters here is the walk.YlyDJVYqfpA

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