I am not happy it’s the 2s because i wanted the two couldn’t find it anywhere. It sold out of a lot of different places, so i had to take the 2s, because i have to test this new hardware when it comes to testing and tracking crossfit workouts. It has a new high intensity interval, workout mode on it. You have, you know: tabitha imam amrap, workout mode, so timers i’m going to test all those things in a full and in depth review. But i just wanted to at least share that the testing is now underway, sharing my first workout and give you some sort of basic feel of using the watch in the first. You know 24 hours. So if you like the video, please give it a thumbs up. Please consider subscribing for more this whole channel figurehunter channel and the figurehunter.com website associated with it is for the purpose of tracking and testing devices for crossfit high intensity interval, training versus all the running biking and swimming video reviews that are out there. So with that we’re going to dive in we’re looking at hands on look at the app look at the overall experience, come back together and talk about how it’s been in the first sort of out of the gate, experience with it and then we’ll stay tuned for The full review so let’s dive in okay. So this is it. You know this is one of the main watch faces watch screens you do the basic up and down toggle left and right.

So it only has two buttons on the side: it’s the new optical heart rate sensor. This is the venue 2s, so i’m not going to go over the details, because you can find the specs and everything online. This is the smaller variant. It is 40 millimeters across. So you’re gon na look through all the widget at a glance, options which was not available in the original venue. So all of them come through. This is at medium brightness and i do have the backlight set to always on so i’m testing how long the battery life will last um in that situation, so it’s 57 left so 43 has been burned in about 24 hours so far and testing it. But it is big and beautiful um, so that is great that’s. Typically, your back button here and your workout button here i have not gotten as comfortable with all the details, so your shortcut is swiping to the right and then i just set it as alarms, because i have to have a watch that does test those things. You basically hold down to go back to start. You hold this down and it’ll give you all of the typical settings. The settings are a little bit different, so you’re not going to find them in the same places and all the details. What am i finding so far about using the watch? It is a little hard now it’s, probably because this is a small screen, so i really almost want to hold out and doing a full review of the venue 2 until i get a bigger screen because it just feels like the screen.

Landscape is just so tiny that it just feels harder to work with, because it is so detailed um, but the screen is super brilliant. I can tell that it’s snappy, i would say it’s probably you know it’s, definitely not as snappy as a apple watch. Six and doesn’t feel like the same fluidity to it, but either way so far, i’m really liking the experience and i love the amoled screen. It is big and beautiful if you want to compare it to another amoled. So this is the you know the suunto. So you have the settings and all the apps, you know it basically functions sort of the same it’s just this is a much bigger overall watch um. So what do i think about you swipe to the right to be able to go back? This is the new uh high intensity interval tracking metric. You have a little picture in the backdrop a guy swinging, the ropes, so you can hit the bottom button. You can do. Your high intensity interval timers this sort of lines up perfectly for crossfit. You have amrap imam tabitha or custom. You can set your own timer, so if you’re doing an emom every minute on the minute, you click. However many rounds, you’re gon na. Do it and then it’ll start timing um. I do not have a ability to adjust per minute, so you can’t do a two minute imam like many of us like to do and then the other thing with the amrap.

This was something i did earlier today and i’ll. Look at the workout with you in a second to show you how it it calculated it. So i had 12 minute amrap. It include overhead squats toes to bar and pull ups 15 of each and it did track the times. So i could you know. Obviously, when you start the workout, you basically can hit this to be able to log your lap time or your round time as well as let the watch know that you completed a round if you’re doing as many rounds as possible. So that was great, but it was not fun to try to get the you know. It was just a button press, but the screen itself a little bit sensitive feeling so far in my first workouts. So if you go back into oh let’s go hit that button and we go into last activity. This is how the workout looked afterwards now. This is because i i did three different activities. I did the warm up. I did the amrap separate and then i did some basic follow up lifting, so this was the amrap. It is a really cool, big, beautiful display when it comes to what types of information you see i get three rounds, and that was the goal you can see. The rounds, but you can see um first round 306. You can see your second round, so you can see your round times in the app itself or in the watch itself.

You can see other details time in the zone. You can see the pretty picture there and let’s look a little bit how it looks on the app to see how it tracked the accuracy. Now this venue, too, will not track workout specifics, like training effect, training load over time. You know your recovery time estimates it will not track the higher level analytics. So this is not going to be an ideal solution if you’re truly training over a long term, but let’s look at how it looked on the app and they come back together. Okay, so what do we see in these? First workouts, you can see a series of them i’m tracking everything with the high intensity interval out versus crossfit. This crossfit is done specifically on a phoenix 6.. So if you were to compare just like the warm up, this is the phoenix 6 the connected to a chest strap. So this is the h10 chest strap everything’s sort of like the best in as it as it can be. You can see the training effect again. Respiration rate again not stuff that we’re going to get on the venue 2., but you can see the overall curvature of everything is fine. Look it’s, just super simple, so not a whole lot of meat. There not a whole lot of details, but again tracking a workout that’s, really all you really care about, although we’re really dying for these things to port over from the higher training devices, so this is off the workout, so this is more important, so the time spent In the most peak zone for 11 minutes 14 seconds and 22 minutes in zone four, so collectively a total of about 12 minutes all the whole period of time, and then this is the actual app or workout itself.

So you can see nine minutes in the red zone and then two and a half minutes in the orange, and so it picked up pretty much. But you can see the picture. Doesn’T look the same as it did previously. So we’re going to have to look at that in more detail, full test and review for the optical heart rate accuracy when doing crossfit is on its way after a number of workouts. So you can see that it tried to guesstimate the time and you know each period. So if you look at it in round one that was a three minute six seconds and then it said the squat portion, five minutes and 31 seconds it wasn’t squats. But it was overhead squats i did 15., i didn’t do eight, and so it really wasn’t calculating correctly so it’s, not very helpful. I don’t like that it did it in this sort of display itself, but still more to be seen there, but you can see that it is keeping up with your round times and is trying to guesstimate your overall accuracy or overall score. And then this is just the last little lifting session. I don’t know that peaked my heart rate very much. I guess i did for a period 50 deadlifts but um, so it did peek up. You can see the picture here and that’s on the chest. Strap off the phoenix six versus the picture here, so it is trending well and looking better it just we can tell in that more intense workout.

It did not keep up the same intensity and there was um pockets of fallout. So with that let’s come back. What did i think of the watch overall? I am super excited to see the accuracy increase in the optical heart rate sensor, but there’s. So much testing still to be done. We’Ve got to run it through a bunch of tests and track it over a big period of time to see how accurate it really is. I got out of the first workout and i thought oh man, it looks like it’s really tracking well, and it did keep up with the high heart rate periods and zones that it was not able to in the original heart rate sensor. The elevate that just is on the main watches right now, but we still got a lot of testing to do to see how accurate it really actually is i’m finding the screen to feel big and beautiful and brilliant. I am going to have to get the tube because the 2s just feels too small for me to go to gauge how i really like it. But the thing i’m seeing right away is just the finickiness it sort of feels so sensitive i’m so used to buttons. I’M going to have to see how it’s going to change over time to see if i really get more comfortable with non button, presses having to use the screen for everything because i’m just not used to it and so far i don’t love it.

But i do love the screen as an everyday. I look forward to testing the body battery changes so how it incorporates the body battery tracking the heart you variability, coupled with sleep coupled with workouts, to be able to see how much your your impact is to your recovery over your sleep and see how that algorithm Has changed so a lot to review so with that that’s? The first impressions initial thoughts for the venue, 2 and 5th gear hunter thanks.ScEQtBxukSA

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