I don't recommend it. No. This is my wow. I go to favorite ECG watch device thing I love carrying it in my pocket without the band's. I can like turn it on put it in ECG mo put the electrical plates next to here, hold the side, get into my ECG chart and watch my waveform dance across the screen and see how I'm treating the day. I guess, but I got a problem. It fell and I landed on my button yeah, and so it doesn't turn on anymore that's. My first criteria. Second criteria is, I have a backup yeah here's. Another n58 works perfectly nice huh and the third thing is it's busted, not this one, this one I have it. I have a backup and the first one's busted when those three conditions are met. You know what we do. We demolish the original you can see. I'Ve got a little scar mark here and there I decided. I was gon na mess around with this at breakfast over cereal and see if I could get into it, and I couldn't I'm incredibly well built, and then I thought what the heck you guys might like to see. My attempts at opening up this thing it's, not some big fancy Android watch where you need to figure out where to unplug the battery in case you get into boot looping. I know a lot of you. Don'T know what I'm talking about, but those of you who do have been there well.

This is a sealed, hermetically sealed, wonderful, little thing, that's all busted up, and I got a selection of tools, so we're we're going to see where we can go and whether or not we can actually get in this thing and look at some of the chips and Electronics that make this ECGs of work you with me all right, let's go so first thing: I'm gon na do is bring over mrs. tics cutting board but I'm, not gon na tell her I've got it. I just don't want to damage the foundation any more than necessary. We have the watch. We have a flashlight in case we get into trouble. I'Ve got these big spectacle things over my eyes, so I'm, hopefully gon na, be on camera, but I'm, not gon na, be looking at it. I'M gon na try to see up close what we're doing and I'm gon na begin with a little pry thing like like a screwdriver like this, with the edge like this with the light in my mouth. My writer, like that we're gon na get in here and show you this thing is like really really glued glue so much that I'm afraid I need my that's the old hammer. I don't think I've used this thing since the last time we busted into one of these sorry about that Wow, okay, I kind of need a vise thing to hold this in or something and put it in here I'd pound.

It see where I can get it to open, no hmm, how about pliers all right! These are really big, they're called hush keys. Would it turn their biggest setting you? Can you see why I didn't go into construction work, get it on here. You ready, yeah, okay, okay needle nose needle nose might do it needle nose pliers let's, see if I hit grab here and push it hard on drooling. Okay. Yes, yes, yes, okay, yeah, I'm, getting it now, take it laughter retire. Here we go: okay, okay, her custody ring whoa, whoa; okay, you got the ring off. You know what the darn thing is. One piece of plastic: the ring is just sitting there, looking pretty there's no way to get into the back. It'S got ta come off from the front, oh well. We had luck with pliers before oh wait, a minute, where's some T's right. It was these. We don't have any edge on this one though it's smooth all the way around mmm. Well, when in doubt just try. God there's nothing to grab on to here. Whoa whoa! Is there any other way to get in here? Come on guys, I could tough, no it's it's, all sealed okay, uh screwdriver, I kind of got a little start. There don't hurt yourself yeah, yeah and kind of getting some plastic to give way there. If I can hammer it where's the hammer. Okay, okay, stay there come on, I can feel you guys pain, there's, no much better ways of doing this.

Yeah yeah, okay what's in there, the plastic – maybe we can get underneath it here. We go. Okay, got it good. Now: okay, oh okay, they're gon na have to do this. I'Ve got a hook. Can I can I try it now that feels better. I had to take it off camera a little bit to skewer it, but I got inside talking with the darn flashlight in my mouth. Where do we go from here? Where are we actually? We are pretty deep into the plastic. It looks like. Where else are you seeing my thumb, we're about ready to pry open the cover, so let's do that? Okay? Can I just lift it yeah yeah it's, starting if I can get it enough that I can get in here with the pliers? Oh, oh it's, it's, getting upset with me, whoa fix it. No, but I've got an infinitely running heartrate my right now. Maybe I should leave it like that. Huh, no it's still working that's, good news um. How are we yeah? We are okay, fires, fires inside the hole; yes, okay, you ready yeah. I don't know how to spell that: that's, not really a word ughh, hmm, no okay. We couldn't, we still better pry it more with this get under here. You know what I definitely going literally. Just yeah yeah yeah yeah uh huh. No, I should we order get the players in no. I just keep going with the screwdriver we're, loosening the ring around the edge with the glass.

I think Music we're in we're in there's the whyatt notation that's your little rubber thing, maybe it's your way, no that's that's just the protector right that keeps it waterproof, but I can pull it and take it off and there's. The glass cover with the ring that we need to touch as the outer electrode so somehow, probably right. There it's been connected into the whole watch and I was on heart rate. Oh look at that: hey it's working again! Oh my gosh! Oh now. What do I do? Do I destroy it or do I leave it? I'M gon na press, ECG, they're gon na go into the mode yeah. Okay, there's the chart ya, know cuz. I took the ring off all right. We may as well go further. You think back into the mouth. Okay, it is working, go that's, nice, so we lift up uh huh. We get the cover off yeah. Now we got ta, be module, whoa, whoa, okay, hey look a screw or too bright there. You go a screw let's deal with that when you can screw screw. When you got a Prai Prai, we got a screw, so let's try taking it off see what happened. Okay screw is out another one up there yep we got another screw up here. Mm hmm Wow it's kind of uh right near where I pried it open, so it's a little harder to get into come on. Ah, you know what I got: ta take the pliers I'm teaching you advanced techniques for opening a watch.

I hope you appreciate that uh huh guaranteed guaranteed avoid any warranty. You may ever have thought you had. Okay, I think I may have even stripped the threads. No just got to get it in there. Okay, we're ready yeah. We go yes, light up baby. You know all I really needed to do was try to get in to fix the button there screws out. But, yes, you could see that was pretty much impossible. Wow we are in. We are in there's the two electrodes for the heartrate connection of the ECG there's. The pins for the battery charging and the magnets right there that's the magnets that hold they up the charger in there's. The two pins that come through here and transfer power to here – and this is the motherboard with the battery which is soldered in can't. Take it out easily we've got a ribbon cable coming down now to these electronics and it looks like they may just be taped in here. So I'm gon na pull off the tape and remove this – and here you go look at this – this is a circuit board. That'S got the connectors for the ECG. It'S got some words on here. Okay, this way, I guess, is it to over bright for you on there P, 18 and 58, designed just for this particular watch. That'S, the heart rate diodes there, and then these are the ECG things, and this is a ribbon cable that takes all that signal back to the motherboard it's this motherboard.

We want to get into oh that's, the little vibration engine. This is what you see in the watches. You see that thing spinning around right: there it's off center a little bit and that goes bar bar when the little motor is activated and that's. How you get your vibration. Okay, I'm gon na put it back in my mouth, so I can't talk this easily now, but I need both hands to try to take the battery off uh huh it's just stuck on there, and now we are totally inside so this is this is it this Is the goodies that make this thing run? Can we read them there's a chip right here, how's it on the camera yeah? I think I could look on the camera. One of these is that special Texas Instrument chip – supposedly, I think that gives you that the whole ECG thing that looks kind of bigger, so it's, probably the processor. You see that 128 32. It looks like then there's a chip right there and there's a chip over there, one of them's, probably PPG, the others ECG – and this is the signal coming in here kind of close to that one. These other little chips to probably support things. Let'S. Take this one out now, like that: okay got your spare part, and this is the hole. Whole watts, 5 volts ground, that's, where the power comes in, to charge of course, and then there's. The battery feeding the whole thing and we've got the screen right here and it's a little flat thing.

Wow look at that with the Sharpie is separating ok, it just kind of stuck on there, yeah yeah. Okay, I want to write that so there's. The overall screen itself, with a backing, I can take that off: Wow, okay, there's the ribbon cable conduit. It comes out to like so I think, that's everything we can remove yeah. So there you have it the n58, the innards of an ECG PPG watch, and my problem was that little button right there, which is held in with a a washer that somehow got displaced from its spot, that it needed to push against the little switch, which is Right there huh it's, making contact so when it fell it, maybe just moved up or down a little bit with respect to where it was, but it wasn't in line. So I couldn't actually turn the watch on anymore and, as a result, we get to dissect the whole thing here's, what it looks like complete again, the n58 that says EKG or ECG watch and we've got a lot of these coming out. In fact, check the show, notes and I've got links to a gazillion of them that I'm reviewing some and some I'm not, but the links are there to look at all of them. They use the two plates plus contact with another plate from the other side of your body to initiate the ECG and when you activate it on our working watch, it looks like this.

You put that there you put that there and now you've got this chart. Some of them, you don't, even need to use a button. It'S got a button on the front of the screen and you can cycle through the screen. Those are really good for wearing on your arm, because you can just touch the face of the screen to get to where you want to go and then create your heart rate or your blood pressure or your ECG wave. Other ones like this one because it's a button on the side, I can put it in the pocket, because the screen doesn't isn't, sensitive and it's a lot easier to pull it out and just cycle through using using the button. So it depends on how you're gon na wear what you're gon na do with it. But definitely the wave of the future is biometrics, including all the things we talked about: heart rate and blood pressure and heart waves and more fatigue and sleep dynamics. Many many things coming anyway.


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