Hello, guys everything well with you guys welcome back my channel I’m Franciele, Bubniak and I’m recording this introduction in the I improvise, but it’s because I ended up receiving is an ak76 smartwatch and i didn’t want To waste time and record this unboxing doing the opening of that package here and tell you, the seller that I bought leave. The link show how first impressions of that smartwatch before recording and making review that I always do here on the channel. So if you are interested in seeing the unboxing of an ltspan stylequotfont size, 15.4pxquotgtAk76ltspangt, smartwatch, ltspan, stylequotfont, size, 15.4pxquotgtmodelltspangt, stay with me here. Video. Here is our envelope our ak76 package. That was the information that the seller declared value of four dollars and arrived relatively fast. If I wasn’t wrong, it was around a 16 17 days. I will leave the trace here. Dividing the screen for you to check is a small package and arrived. No fee is just 1 smartwatch. Clock did not generate much volume. Big. This way, he’s here quiet by the IRS, without fees So let’s open our gym and – and I think this style of box here longer then a good appearance for product packaging. I I bought it in blue color recently. I did a review here on hw22 channel in red. I don’t. It was very colorful, watches fans, but I ventured out to test and see how was to start asking for those colored ones, the red I liked it.

I thought it was pretty leave the link on the cards for whoever you want check this review. Opening the lid here we have the manual ltspan, stylequotfont, size, 15.4pxquotgtAK76ltspangt looks just manual handsome. It is only in english, so i I noticed here only in English, a manual So smartwatch goes docked here. This foam has inside the box And then how beautiful this blue is in very beautiful, beautiful and take film What’s up and it came with some batteries. So I managed to call, but I I noticed a little glue here top against the light show for you guys now. I think I got it right there, where the glue is shining good. Then at least this one didn’t come unit. No longer came finished like that. Perfect already came with a little bit of glue up here as sides to Ok. Ok, soon, I’ll go tinkering here in the system itself. We will see the which is more came here inside the box, the smartwatch I removed here The Foam base. We have a magnetic charger by the way, is the simplest. One is the one charger which, in my opinion, is not very good, because it has to fit a lot right, this charger charger watch for him not to be disconnecting all time. Any bump can also turn disconnect it to load in ends I’m. Not a fan of watching this one is the pair of the watch band Uma rubber, bracelet, the quality of it doesn’t seem to be the best ones came a little of rubber burr here, and she too is not that bracelet so malleable.

She you remind me a lot of the X7 bracelet, Okay, so here’s the clock. I stayed on screen that to light Let’s study here, a little bit of the smartwatch system and to me here is all new. I still haven’t. I know this watch I’m really doing the unboxing together with you. I I’ve seen that dragging here on the side. Das. We have a menu on post, dragging from right to left. We have access to the menu, I think it’s, pretty his style is a different style. Well, colorful. The first impression is that the screen resolution is very good quality of image. Also, by dragging from below to up, we have a control center with some options. Look up to come with battery quite looks at the battery level: it’s, ok, it’s, pretty cool and dragging from top to bottom. It gives access to games. Why? Yes, the cassette and a half is also a smartwatch that has games actually, why I have purchased from. I have ordered this smartwatch to review here on channel was because I did the review. I did unboxing smartwatch X16, however he’s giving a problem he’s coming a very bad version, with the version with less watch faces, which has an animation here on side of the smartwatch. That has no way take a very boring animation. Many people complaining .. and the ltspan stylequotfont size 15.4pxquotgtAk76ltspangt can be yes, the replacement for x16, because the idea is basically have the functions.

So much is it here. I already realized that he has the same games as an x16. Are we really going to be able confirm that this smartwatch is more similar to the x16 let’s see now so watch Faces that came on it as if to count here, I go there passing and counting together with you. What’S up with 61 watch Faces that I counted then Really. This smartwatch here has quite a lot of watch. Fafces even has Animated faces. I realized that several of them really there is x16 in the original version of x16. In this case, the really good one that is more complete that does not crash and does not have that boring animation. I’Ll put here a lively one for us to see how that will be the one that I think is very beautiful, and even for those who have doubts, I will also leave on the cards the review that I did x16 smartwatch for you to see how these Watches are really similar here from ltspan stylequotfont size 15.4pxquotgtAk76ltspangt For now it’s, just a unboxing and first impressions, like me, said I’m familiar with the product here, together with you, recording this video, but I will also bring a review. He doesn’t have scroll function here on the crown button, so crown button only really serves to return here to the home screen and to lock screen. Look only for those who don’t know leave it in Portuguese, even without pair, because, if you pair it on the phone, it will already pull the language of cell phone will now be in Portuguese, as this one is not connected yet for change.

The language just come here in CEP settings, then we go there International and this synchronization automatic that is on is in a we need to disable it off there. She releases it down here for us select from the list. Our language not case. I will put here portuguese the tip that the clock is already on Portuguese, so we can work on it I’m. Finding the brightness of the screen too burst I’ll come here on screen. Look how good the brightness of this screen. I found that he was at most, but he is at three Athens, so i’m, going to decrease here for two to get better to be able record, and it looks just like the brightness of the image it’s – really good, good good. I really liked it Look that by decreasing the brightness we gain battery life let’s fit in as so bracelets on it for us to see. How is it and the bracelet was haunting here one little on the side. I honestly didn’t, like it much of the finish of this bracelet and the bottom one was more straight than thought better. I will try to do a test here too, together with you to change the bracelet let’s, see if he accepts there, Milanese bracelets, like nylon bracelets. I will get it quickly. I separated here a solo loop bracelet is to go there from nylon and I separated a Milanese let’s test them all to see if it fits well.

Otherwise, you will bury or have problems with the same bracelet I had on the hw22 start with black milanesa. First, that I separated the one that is not sliding so easily breaded. He has a fit a way to fit very straight bracelet that we need to put that even the ocean is always with a very light hand. So as not to start burying already know only that here, it’s very difficult, very difficult, it will be go up to one height and then don’t slides better. I will do the test with the of nylon now. This of nothing is not a dark blue. I believe it will stay very beautiful here And then nylon gave just a look of nylon slid smoothly without screwing anything so that’s. The idea for the smartwatch we don’t have problems there with smartwatch is really the bracelet of slide without a problem. Look perfect here the fitting How beautiful that the watch got this bracelet and now I’m going to try with a solo. Look that that whole bracelet that stretches choose one in black to do a little bit of strength, it’s normal! That it’s not normal! For her to bury was going on here with one with the Milanese, so look at the logo we fit here in the fitting well right there Hi and this solo look is also crashing enough, its going to a height and burying, but I will not give up. I I’m going to get another Milanese bracelet and another solo loop protest.

Here too, I took two different colors different. This silver Milanese here let’s see how that will fit if it will work silver, also going and look how it crashes in a way that I play forcing here, he won’t now that I forced it is even difficult to removing. It gave even a slight dent that on the watch I don’t know if the video will give to repair So that’s the problem we have to keep pushing for spend bracelet with you bad there on the clock and I’ll. Try this another solo. Look for us to see this solo look slid smoothly. How could you tell, I really is the way that bracelets are using that shape here of this part that slides from Milanese bracelets are so thicker than some other bracelets, because the nylon one was quiet. This black solo look caught While this here colored glided smoothly. Look, he just said he was going to look blue and rose was very beautiful by the way, Because the smartwatch is blue and it has these parts blue. Here I really liked. If you be reseller – and you will, there is more than watch with a bracelet Extra that indicates what you test the bracelet before sending it to the customer, Because, as we did these tests here, it was possible to notice that some bracelets didn’t fit right. I already I confirmed here: his application is m2 wear just like x16 is also m2 wear.

We have here the QR code to be able to make a scanner which is really cool, very interesting, understand what you download the app via QR code. So I don’t have an error and I’m also very curious to see the menu styles So I’ll see here, I’ll find out together with you. He has several styles of least one two three four five styles different menu let’s, see if first style here detracts from that. First style here is Colmeia Look. This is a little hive from the a k76 that has there a slight delay. We will see here the second menu style like that by segundo, estilo diminuio 19 e com, e ela, aqui d, para ver, a semelhana ainda mais aqui passando pelos, menos, exatamente, como, ela, usa, cones, o desenho dos cones 2 x, 16 tambm eu nem queria que esse Vdeo fosse um comparativo mas que no tem como, no citar os 16 porque, so realmente smartphones, muitssimos parecidos, o que eu t percebendo aqui que muda um dos estilos do menu, porque oa casca de meio tem aquele menino ali diferenciado, n parecido com da linha, ficar Vamos, Ento ver aqui, o terceiro estilo que pelo jeito a lista isso, a o menu lista mesmo ou, lista j bem mais fluido do que o Colmeia A temos essa quarta opo de estilo de menu tambm, so nove cones Portela Mas uma, apresentao diferente outra outra que a Gente viu bonitinho tambm os cones do menu so bem legais bem, coloridos e, o ltimo estilo aquele parecido com, o da linha ficar esse estilo diferenciado, eu te, desse estilo de menu, a gente, no tinha, l, no x16 por isso que eu deixar nesse estilo de menu Que bem parecidinho ele que no tinha 16 para gente ir dando uma, passadinha, aqui, pelas, funes J vi que ele tem acionador de voz para, a gente poder acionar, a Siri se para iPhone e se, para Android, o Google assistente em calculadora calendrio, a opo Zinho aqui.

Do gesto de Despertar que para acender a tela quando para virar, o pulso vou deixar ativar temos uma opo de clima monitoramento de sono batimentos cardacos essa daqui, a presso oxigenao arterial do sangue termmetro para medir temperatura aqui as funes de esportes iguais as mesmas funes que A gente tinha l na 16 corrida ao ar livre caminhadas trilha corrida na esteira e aqui nessa ltima opo onde ficam gravados os recordes ali das, atividades fsicas essa opo Zinho aqui que tem essa onda aquela opo que muda o tema a imagem de fundo aqui que T parecendo um smartwatch, vocs reparam ser que parece que tem e este uma galxia aqui na parte de trs tem um brilhinho saindo de voc, consegue alterar esse tema que voc colocar aqui imagem dois pra gente ver como hoje, j mudou, sai, uns, brilhos aqui na lateral. Do relgio eu acho muito bonito esse feito de 16, a gente tinha, essas, opes, tambm se eu? No me engano era: umas imagens diferentes, bom, vamos, passar, aqui, pelos, jogos, o primeiro aqui. Do aviozinho aquele que atira nos discotecas, voadores, Ento, esse, aqui, o primeiro joguinho, A temos o joguinhos das frutas que voc, precisa fazer uma sequncia de trs frutinhas iguais da tem um tempo aqui, a Barrinha t t vendo est esgotando aqui a Barrinha Esse, o segundo, joguinho E tenha do passarinho j que ele que ele tem que atravessar aqui sem bater sem bater nas paredes de tijolinho sair voc vai marcando pontos Esse passarinho bem legal mas eu achei que oa k76 o joguinho no trava tanto eu lembro que nos 16 at o, comentei Isso quando o Oxi que dava assim ali uma travadinha que a gente tem algumas funes de discagem de agenda telefnica porque esse smartwatch ele faz e recebe ligaes temos aqui, o microfone e o alto falante na outra, lateral, como eu tenho uma tomada, aqui, bem, prximo da Onde eu gravo eu conectei, o carregador dele para, a gente ver, a como que como que vai ser quando eu colocar ele para carregar, a gente ainda acha que os filhinhos essa tela que aparece dele carregando e tambm exatamente, a mesma tela do x, 16 ou e Manda ele tambm no parece ser um Mimo, muito, forte muito bom s de encostar assim, a gente nota que ele no encaixe muito bem ento realmente aquele tipo de modelo de carregador que voc precisa tomar cuidar as demais funes do relgio eu vou elas estudam todas bem Certinho vou usar agora, a partir de hoje, alguns dias, esse, smartwatch, conectado, no meu, celular, para dar esse, poder, fazer, uma, resenha, completa, para trazer, aqui, no canal, para, vocs: a primeira, impresso e eu fiquei, no smartwatch a k76 que ele um relgio muitssimo parecido com; um; X16 como x16 fazendo todos aqueles problemas de vir, aquela verso, ruim com, aquela, animao, chata com, menos assistir Faces com, problemas de conexo, realmente oa, cassete, Pode ser, a uma alternativa de relgio com, bastante o arte Face todas as funes pelo que eu mostrei aquele tem exatamente Todas as funes dos 16 que voc, pode incluir, no seu portflio de revenda casa, voc, seja, revendedor e se, voc s, t pesquisando, smartwatch, para voc, comprar e tinha.

I liked the x16 cause of all this situation. That happened right, the cassette and a half can? Yes, then meet you for sure, but wait, because no channel will soon have the more detailed but complete, and after a few days of using the smartwatch here 730. I really hope that you guys have liked this Box.K6zSmp5BeFc

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