We are a YouTube channel on the web at SmartWatch 6 calm, as you can tell I've got a W 58 Pro in gold in this box, and I you know there's a thing. I really like it when you can like mess with an Apple watch user and you go. Oh. Can your Apple watch do this well inside this box, you're gon na get that opportunity to play that little game with this little Chiclets that's the same size dimensions and look as an Apple watch, but it's only 30 bucks it's less than 30 bucks and you'll be Able to show a couple of things that the Apple watch can do from gearbest. Ladies and gentlemen, invites you to take a look in the show notes: click on the length head on over we're in flash sale right now, depending on when you're watching this. It may be a higher price if it is I'm gon na try to get a coupon and get it back down in that neighborhood, but we'll pretty sure I have it under 30 dollars for you, no matter what what is the W 58 Pro SmartWatch well, let's. Take a look got some specs here for you. It has two claims the fame, a thermometer built into it for measuring temperature and something called immune monitoring. Yeah. No, I don't know we're gon na find out together. Wow. Did I make that too small for you? Can you read this it's completely different from medical equipment and it's for sports and fitness reference? Thank you.

Don'T use any of the stuff you get with this for anything like just use it as guidance and get medical help. If you find you need that it's just for fun, you got to download the app before you use. It says you don't really need to, but you can and I cursed I got a link to the app and the show notes for you and we'll. Take a look, the description is here: I'll just show it to you're, not gon na go into a lot of detail for one that's too small, a font for me to read and for two I'd rather get to showing you the darn thing. It'S the specifications and you English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, all those kind of things and touchscreen so let's unpack this puppy inside we've got a card. Oh, it falls right out, okay, a little card that it sits in and look at how this is packaged it's in wrap around plastic cut out specifically for where the bands would go. I looked at this already this far and I went okay. I got a really unpack this, for you guys on camera, because it's just too cool definitely worthy of gift. Giving the packaging is done very nicely, obviously no bands on it. They must be in here, aha, and they are along with a charger and a manual and that's it. The rest of it is just empty box, but nicely done box and get into the manual in a second show.

You that it's a standard two pin connecter magnetic coupled well it's hidden underneath the plastic. So I got to get that ready for you, but hey it hooks on and holds the watch through the plastic so good and strong notice that how the bands attached is like how the Apple bands attached. So when I'm saying this is an Apple clone of sorts. Look alike but function differently: I'm, not kidding cuz. It really is these things have to slide in here and get past that thing and I got ta make sure I got the right ones in the right place. So we'll do that later. Let'S take a look at the manual and then we will really tie into this thing. You'Re gon na have so much fun. With this. I already have been oh it's that an Apple watch on your arm. Oh, let me show you the new version. Well, it's not really an Apple anyway, oh god. Where do I begin? What'S English SmartWatch? That looks English. So look at the center section here and app tation platform and requirements product detail boy today is the day of small print introduction of the function and more here we go, and here we go use color pictures we'll be doing through all of this, so there's the Qr code for you to download the we're fit 2.0 app folks, that's, a great app yeah, you're gon na see it does all kinds of things and the two new functions that this one does: temperature and immune are added in automatically on the app the app has Not shown those before until this watch, so the app is adaptable to know what device you're working with and then put the things on the screen that you need to see that fits with that so we're fit 2.

0. Again, I got the listing and the link in the show notes, along with our buying link for this one and now I'll put it together, for you check it out. Look at that isn't that sweet! First of all, can you see that little dim screen in there? This is a setting in the app that you can turn on an ambient screen that matches the real screen but dims down just like on those fancy where OS watches you see it goes into that and we got a variety of them and all of them have A different ambient display, but it matches the main face, so that's really cool all in all. Just to begin with, when you get in here there's a few swipes and moves that you can do when you swipe down you get into your notifications, which I have a few which are personal and I'm not going to share all those with you. But if you swipe up oh they're, readable on the screen by the way you get into this area, where you have an overall ambient screen display settings so now see it went black. It took me a while to remember what that one is. Do it this way? It says it's gon na possibly reduce your battery life, but it doesn't really. I had this whole thing with it in ambient mode all night long and it only dropped like 20. So I got to go back to the main screen now, when it times out, it should go back into the ambient one that it looks like on here, hello there.

It goes okay at the shaker once now, it's in that ambient mode, which it will turn off from this mode to, if you just lay it on the on the counter or something after a while, it will go off, but it's super sensitive. You move it just a tiny bit and it'll come back on and it'll stay on for a long time, so as long as you're wearing it as long as you're moving you're, always gon na be able to look at your wrist and seize the time when it's In ambient mode, not outdoors but inside at night, that's nice dim display or bring it back to full. Okay we've got brightness I'm at level two. Let me crank this up to maximum for you, so you can see it's good and bright outdoors it'll be okay, not super super bright, but okay, when you're outdoors at the highest brightness. I was happy with about a level two for the video I'll show you the lowest level. Minimum is like that and there's a flickering going on that's just the interface with the camera and the watch refresh it's, not like that, of course, on the device itself. Okay from there we've also got your silent mode. If you want to, and then we've got this, which I got to show you the apps first Bluetooth connection here and the power levels at a hundred percent. So we'll come back to that in a second once I get back out of here to show you that if I go left or right, I'm gon na get into my app drawer of all of my different apps, they show up irregardless and again down we'll get You your notification screen so let's show you that if I go here and turn that to style, one you've got yourself folks, a full on Apple watch got ta, learn the ways to get out of this.

Though there we go, there we go, and now you can roam around and launch whatever you'd like like settings is over here, which gets us back to where we were when we swiped up, which is where I want to go to switch back to style too, because It'S a lot easier for me to navigate for you guys if I can go through it linearly. Okay, EMU EMU is the immune reading. Temperature is temperature and we're gon na do those you also have heart rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen readings and it scroll on its own. When you let go a review of your step count. Data here are the fitness, apps and they're. All part of this is not a separate section, so you have running and cycling and climbing those are the three not big on fitness, but it's got some the music player for remote music there's. Your messages same thing as if you swipe down last night's sleep time, find the phone when you're tethered, and you can shut everything down from here, so basic set of stuff. Now let's put it on. When I had put the bands in which is pretty easy, you simply slide the lower one all the way – and I think I got this right – find a hole that fits stick it in there it's looping through. I would like it if it had a little thingy that you know you could put this in to have it wrap a little nicer around here, but it's possible.

I may have this all backward I'm, not an Apple person, so I don't know Apple bands and, if I've embarrassing, the heck out of me like putting my underwear on outside my pants I'm. Sorry, I just don't know: oh there see that twisted in it it's come back on to there now okay let's get into because I needed to put it on let's get into immunity. Now, when I launch the immunity check, you get this DNA thing flipping around and it says measure e now, apparently it's, taking into considering consideration all kinds of stuff how bad I am with my English right now how much I smell from not taking a shower and What I didn't eat for breakfast that I should have so I would be a little bit better talking to you guys now Jose those factors aren't in there but heart rate and maybe temperature, who knows but it's doing some computation and the background takes a couple of Minutes to do that, then it comes back with a number which I'll show you right now: okay. 72, then it just dropped to 70s, so it's doing real time. Reference 69. If you guys understand figure out and can explain what immune reference is they're just vibrated. Please leave a comment in this video and I'll. Take that and put it up in the show, notes and we'll explain to everyone what immune references, something I haven't seen before the other cool thing, of course, is temperature.

You have to long press to measure and it's flashing here on the side, so I do it. Oh measurement failed. This is the one you have to actually hold it in so I'm gon na reset it press that hold it in and give it a moment now. I don't know if it needs to have the connection with your finger on the button to do the measurement or you're just activating the process, but whatever it is there, you go and it's incinerate on here. Thirty six point: three degrees centigrade, which you can convert to Fahrenheit, I'm sure and that's your temperature, then the rest of it is basic standard, stuff, heart rate blood pressure and blood oxygen come back here. I want to do at least through blood oxygen. Show you it's measuring it it's using the green diode, not the red, so the reliability and the accuracy won't be as high as it would be if it was using the red, diode technology. You learn all about that. If you're watching our fitness and health band videos, but nonetheless it should get us somewhere between 95 and a hundred percent in blood oxygen reading and it's, taking a little longer than normally these bands, do they usually flash it up right away. So perhaps it's getting several readings that averaging them in the background, all right, I'll pause this and show you the final result: alrighty 86, 96 it's jumping around a little bit, so it's got itself a reading.

I need to stay still by the way. Sorry about all this stuff, I talked about it in another video I'm out in the yard, weed whacking every now and then and it's kind of gravel in an area, and it throws it all up and hits me so. Haha you'll see different patterns over the months. As my yard needs mowing and yeah sorry, I don't have a artists, a models arm here, for you hey the hairs aren't too long at least they're I'm back in ambient mode as a hair creeps over and twist it twist. It nothing happens when you're in ambient mode, but if you put it in the twist to see the I'm mode by itself, when it's off it'll automatically go into the full time, we'll show you some other watch faces in a second. So you saw blood oxygen. Heart rate, blood pressure, same kind of thing, take them with a grain of salt. If you get into some of these activities like running, he says come on and you start it. You notice it's not going to give you a lot of detail. Basically, your calories, burned and versus time is what's going on here I can pause it. I can stop it. So not a watch really for fitness, like I said, it's, just a fun Apple. Looking watch it's even got that simulated side button it's, not a real button and the twirly knob that doesn't really twirl, okay, it's, just all for show the case is nice.

It really looks like an Apple watch, but the immunity and the temperature, and in fact it can do heart rate and blood pressure and blood oxygen, it's, really more of a health watch than anything. So let me show you some of these other fun watch faces, since it has this special, what you call ambient mode capability to it. Here'S one gives you a bright blue dot. Wow. Can you see it it's it's, saying 1137 it's really challenging to see there? You go but it's there and bring it back up. Show you one more at least that's a WoW it's. My fingers are really wet right now, so it's having a hard time getting in this is kind of fun. Shows you the day of the week and a little bit about your fitness stuff and it's a really bright white circle with black numbers in it until it goes off, and now you have digital time in white against the black. This is kind of the one I use when I'm wearing it around the house in the evening, because it's easy to see that one and that first one the analog one were really fun. Ecg ports are on the back. You can see that it's really well designed charging ports. The diodes in here, like I said, Apple design with the knob, even got a red circle painted in it. So let's take a look at the again it's we're fit 2.0 we've done lots of reviews of this one I'm not going to go into a big bunch of detail other than to show you the addition of the two new cards at the bottom body, temperature and Immunity value: when you go in here, it's showing you your last reading, you got charts you've got your high low and average.

It tells you the reference zones typically for temperature. You got it by day. You'Ve got it by week. You'Ve got all kinds of stuff with this real time temperature reading, and do you notice, it's in Fahrenheit, on the app you do, have the ability to switch it from centigrade to Fahrenheit, which of course in the USA that's what we use now, this immunity value again, This is this, is I don't understand it and I'm actually pretty low in this last reading? It says I can do a one click measurement 95 to 74. Forty nine percent is the lowest I had so I'm gon na do another reading, maybe because I'm talking and yeah it's it am. I doing it right. Do I flip it down in there again I don't know don't understand the band don't understand immunity reading on it, but what the heck click one two click, and as long as I am connected to the device which I am you know, Bluetooth tethered it's gon na Do a reading of my immune reference value which I'll be back and show you there did you see it jump here too it's up at 72 now and it's plotted that on the chart for all of my stuff for today and here's yesterday, which I was reading, It the whole time so I'm, pretty darn good, that it will give you a overview of your immunity and I don't know how to use it or what to do with it.

But there you go there's some information, you didn't know you needed to know now. You know you need to know it body temperature again is here, and there is a one click measurement that you can do on this one as well and again, it's showing 102 degrees. Fahrenheit is my my temperature and it's been climbing like that. Well, it is hot. In here everything is closed up I'm, not making excuses. Maybe I need to drink some water and rest. What do you think let's see what my next measurement comes out to be you notice it's doing it in the background it hasn't even turned the watch on it's in that ambient display mode and it's still measuring all right, it's taking too long I'll be right back With the end result, I'm feeling better already, there you go 97.5 it's dropped down. 98 6 is usually what they talk about is being high slightly high as 98 6 100 point, 4 you've heard that on the news, if you're over a hundred point four you aren't getting on an airplane because that's gon na be in that zone 102. 102. Point two that's, the next one and above 102, point 2 is considered severely high, so good for a reference I don't know I've been messing around with it doing all kinds of stuff. Sometimes you might get an anomalous reading. If it stays high I'd say there could be an issue, but this time it came down.

Okay, I think that's about it for the app you have. The Me section where you can put in all your information, your personal stuff, your device management here. Well, you can set it up to take remote pictures, your connection management, to disconnect the band that kind of stuff twist your wrist to see the time hourly measurement of your various stats and, of course, check for a firmware upgrade several of these things when they first Come out need a firmware upgrade to make them work properly for you, ok, what is it one more time, it's, an Apple watch, look alike, the does things differently. It'S actually called the W 58 Pro and it's on flash sale right now or, if it's off flash sale check in the show notes, use our link and I'll have a coupon for you to try to get the price down. You'Ve been watching us here at SmartWatch. Tix appreciate your likes and, of course your subscription helps us out to a lot of you guys are the discovering this channel. So thanks for sharing it with your friends over social media, I will see you again soon. Okay, guys I had to try. I reversed the band I put the top on the bottom on the bottom. On the top, and now I got my little tongue hanging out here instead of there but check this out. I could actually rotate it around shove it in there and now it works new ambient with display face to show you cool.

W58 PRO Temp & Immunity “Always On” Display Apple Watch Shaped Health Smartwatch: Unbox and 1st Look

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