Today, we’ve got a 2 4 for you. This is two of the smartest tech products that i’ve seen in a while. First off, we have this fantastic smart watch, that’s right, it’s, a very smart watch. This thing has some features that i have never seen before in a watch. Let me go ahead and take it off, so i can show you the watch itself. Up close, i do like that it will come on based on movement. It also has something that i’ve. Never seen before this is built in earp uh earbuds. That was a hard time with that earbuds right in the side. You just take them out and you slip them into your ears, there’s two of them that come included with the smart watch. The smartwatch has a timer as your normal watch face and a whole bunch of fantastic stuff, so i’m going to try to show you some of those pictures and some of the details picture in picture. While i talk a little bit about it, it’s also waterproof. It comes in a sleek design, really a fantastic watch and there are a tremendous amount of features, including easy pairing, with your smart device. That means you can answer. Texts means you can read text. That means you can track your location. You can do all sorts of things has a counter on it and it is a touch screen, so you can swipe up and down and get to the different modes and features included.

Is your essentially your temperature look at all the stuff that is on this? Absolutely fantastic watch, and i think you’re going to like, has a thermometer blood pressure. It will tell you the weather, your blood oxygen, different settings that count down. Stop watch and you’ll find a phone all in one watch and i can tell you the blood oxygen meter, which is a fantastic feature that it will show you the blood oxygen now i’ve spent upwards of hundreds of dollars on these blood oxygen meters. If you’re, an elderly person, you’ve got circulation issues, knowing your blood oxygen, getting a notification when your blood oxygen goes low, could literally save your life wearing this at night to where you um, you know if you’re not breathing. Well enough, all of a sudden, you can be alerted that um that your oxygen is low. Maybe you need to put on your oxygen tank if you’ve got emphysema or als anything like that or just sleep apnea. This watch could literally save your life and the price savings associated with it is fantastic. Looking here i can see my pulse, see my temperature and all sorts of things plus i can listen to music, so it’s everything that you would ever want from a watch and the thing that blows me away: i’m gon na, let you click the link in the Description below is that the um price is fantastic. I’Ll also note that these noise canceling earbuds are pretty dang good quality for as small as they are, and for the overall price of the watch.

This watch costs less than some of the big brand earbuds alone and, like i said you can tell your temperature, your skin temperature. You can tell your blood oxygen, you can count down, you can use it for cycling and gym and all sorts of things, and it is a reasonable. Reasonable price comes with a user manual ties into your phone great app um. It ties into android, bluetooth, 4 plus ios has a charge lamp. You can just scan the scan, the icon here to download the app and yeah it’s. Absolutely amazing. You can go left and right, see all the different screens up and down pedometer heart rate. Sleep rate exercise, information watch, face search for your phone, a countdown, a chronographer, weather thermometer, blood pressure, blood oxygen and you can change the different settings. That is something i’ve never seen of a watch before and at this price you’re never going to see it again, it’s absolutely amazing, now to move forward. We do have these if you’re looking for a high end set of earbuds without spending hundreds of dollars. Well, we’ve got this set for you: they’re noise canceling. They connect with bluetooth, they’re, easy to adjust and change the different modes and the high quality drivers are going to give you spectacular, sound um the batteries. If you haven’t, bought, ipods or earbuds. Excuse me earbuds in a while. Well, this is for you, you can see it’ll tell you whether it’s got a good charge or not, and this is a charging case that you can connect to usb to charge the case and then charge your your phone.

Your your earbuds themselves, um overall great quality, sound and the price is probably going to be a quarter of that of your big brand. You know it’s brand i’m talking about companies, so we’ve got two great devices. Two great products and they’re. Absolutely amazing i’ll go ahead and put links in the description below go ahead and pick out either one for yourself. If you have any questions, go ahead and ask me i’m adam: both of these products are um water resistant. You have to worry about getting them wet. Both these products have great quality, sound they’re coming at technology, and the big selling point for me is that the price is nice, so um go ahead, click like and subscribe. We have new videos all the time, thanks again for watching i’m adam from 9, 1 1 studios and uh join us every week, make sure to click that subscribe button and the notification bell.C77UFZFHVm8

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