Also from well. You it's, called the visual beat, looks like this we've reviewed it already. This is the little module that straps onto a chest strap that you wear to get heart rate and ecg readings, and this baby just may have saved my life yeah. I got a story to tell you at the very end of today's, uh video, but my way of update. I did want to mention that when we originally got this, we had a charging dock that snapped on and was a bit challenging to take off, and good news is it's been completely redesigned here is the actual one you just got ta see this the little light. Blinks in here, of course, when you plug it in it's red when it's charged, it turns green. You just unclip it that way, so the visual beat is now fully complete with a great easy to use usb charger and an interesting story at the end of the video today greetings and welcome to smartwatch ticks we're a youtube channel on the web at I'M. Always telling you guys, compare your watches and bands that do blood pressure with a cuff with a calibrated cuff, but i don't know if you guys have got one or not. So i wanted to show you one of the most advanced newest cuffs on the market, that not only will give you a solid reading of your blood pressure automatically and remotely as well as on the screen here, but it can also perform ecg analysis as well wow, Where is it inside the box what's? It look like it looks like it's in this bag, but before i open it, i want to share a little bit with you, so you know where to get it.

Gowelu.Com directly from the manufacturer it's a two step device right on your arm. You can do blood pressure readings with an app that will show you where you fit in the zones, depending on your systolic and diastolic. Reading 99 bucks for the same 99 bucks, the same band does ecg. You work with the tips, the ends of the band and hold them to generate an ecg chart right on your phone, so you have two advanced devices in one unit. Oh did i mention gowell, you dot com. You use that link to get there and you'll get a 15 discount off of that price, as well so on the ecg section. What you basically do is hold the ends between your palms and just let it do its thing. It will automatically go cross over through your heart and prepare an ecg chart that has been highly tuned to make sure it's giving you the real deal. When you finish, you can print out a report. If you want to archive it, send it to your doctor. Do whatever you want with it so what's it look like let's find out inside here, i've got a couple of separators let's. Take them out, so we can get in. Oh there we go there's a charging wire. Can you imagine 500 some odd readings with this unit between charges? How many days are there in a year yeah yeah, amazing, okay, hey it's, the cuff itself. I thought it was in a in a package but no we're.

Looking at the cuff there's the unit that tiny little thing does it just push out of here. I have no idea. It looks like it's velcroed in here too yep yep. There we go whoa all right, it's, uh, it's right here, uh we got buttons. We got the plates on the end, uh i'm gon na charge. It up, of course, make sure it's all set and ready. In the meantime, in terms of paperwork, we've got a few things start out with a little card having difficulties yep, you can call them directly or email them or whatever to ge. They call it get. Well, you but i'll tell you go well you because that's, our entry into the same store same same front door uh and you got a one year, warranty service that you can use contact them at service at uh, vitom tech, dot. Company vitam is the uh parent company of of uh. Well, you, okay, so you got that then we've got a quick guide. That'S gon na show you the basic process of how you set it up. Get it big enough. You can fit it in the screen. There'S! The main unit and all of the components and blood pressure and ecg is in the bp2 the a is just blood pressure, so you want to make sure you order the bp2 you'll get a display that shows your systolic diastolic and heart rate. When you measure it and on the ecg recording it's going to look like this okay and there's, one two three that tells you about what those uh elements are here here are some of the symbols that you'll see on it when you fire it up.

This is on the display that goes on it itself, and it shows you exactly how you want to align the arm cuff. You know this technology is a much more sophisticated than the the watches and bands that you wear that shoot diodes into your skin. To get the blood pressure, but this is what you're going to use as your baseline calibration. This is the stuff. I would trust right it's, giving you a really valid number to work with okay here's a couple of different ways. You can record the ecg between your hand and your knee or holding on to either end of it and here's a couple of ways. You could do it on your torso as well, so different ways to take the ecg with this device, and your medical, professional or doctor may ask you to do it in one of these different ways to see some different aspects of your heart, because i bet, if You play with it you're gon na find that you're gon na see different kind of waveform generation coming out of the device uh depending on where you're holding it, and that can give different insight into your heart there's the specs, and that is it folks. We'Ve got the manual that's, the quick start guide, yeah i'm, going to page through it uh just in case it's, not pdf, on their website. So you have this as an archive. You can skip ahead in a little bit if you want, or now, if you want and dig right into the actual testing of the unit.

But i make want to make sure that you do have this reference. So if you get the unit and if you're like me, you don't put all your manuals in a common place, they get scattered around, they get lost and then, if you need to know something like exactly, how far are you supposed to put it and where is It supposed to line up the visual display if you miss – and you don't, know all that stuff and you need the manual all right here. It is yep there's the same things we saw in the quick start guide, but a little bit more attention to detail and some errors that you might get and what they mean and how to take care of them and some good stuff on maintenance, cleaning and storage And then real detailed info on the specs, so you guys that are medical um dive in here. Take a good look at this. I think you're going to be impressed that this particular device is uh, really really well manufactured and compliant in a lot of different ways. Electromagnetic compatibilities are listed here, more specifications related to it wow down to the frequencies okay, much more than most of us want to know, but now you know all right i'm going to play with it. I'Ll get it on my arm and we'll get the app ready for you before you start. Of course you want to charge it up and i suggest doing it overnight.

You can just plug the little connector right in the very end and you're good to go, but you don't need it for taking the measurements. First thing i want to point out: is it's self contained. It lives in its own case, but it's a little tricky, so bear with me, as we show you how to open it up. It'S all velcro focused you unravel, unravel you get to this funky little part here and then it's just hanging out in the middle right and we'll show you in a second how you get ready to put it on your arm. But i want to show you how to put it back together again because it's a little tricky you fold it here, okay, fold: it here hold it down so it's flat like that, then start wrapping with your hand and catch the velcro. And then you can just wrap the whole thing up straighter than i do that's and it attaches right there and that's. The whole thing is compact: you can throw it in a bag in the glove compartment wherever you want it, you'll have it with you now to get it ready for taking a reading. You have to use this puppy here. You take the end. Okay, got ta, get this right: i'm gon na turn it upside down i'm gon na put it through here and i'll, be able to flip it that way and the instructions are on the outside, and now mr tix and all his professionality is ready to uh wire.

It up to begin with, though i want to guide you through uh setting it up with the app, because you want to do that. You can do this separately by itself, but we may as well save some time and do the app together with it. The app for this guy is vi: health vi, health. This is in the google play store or you can use the link in the show notes to take you right over there i'm going to open it, but before i do i want to start this and notice. It shows bluetooth, symbol, i'm, going to hit open it's going to be looking for this device. It'S called bp2 there's. The visual beat that we've reviewed i'm going to connect to the bp2 and uh. Here we are now we've got the history in here for blood pressure. I'Ve got the history for ecg that i've done with this so far and i've got a dashboard that lets us measure one or the other directly from the app and then finally, some basic settings which includes turning on or off the heartbeat sound, which is really loud. So i'm going to leave it off for you right now, so we're going to come back over here, let's do ecg! First, because it's easiest i'm going to come into the ecg. Well, this is the history, but when you're with the device, the plates on either end are what you use for ecg and i can collect it directly from here.

If i wanted to do blood pressure, i would press the start button. If i want to do ecg or look at the history, i would press here, so i want to do an ecg i'm going to press it. I touch here and here and all of a sudden right on the screen of this device. You start seeing the heart wave show up and there's a little thermometer bar below it. That is accumulating time it's about a 30 second test, and it shows you, your ecg derived heart rate next to it and i'm beating it about 74, 75 right now, we'll. Let this complete and then i want to show you what it does over on the phone: app: okay, regular ecg, heart rate i come over here and Music. It should transfer there. I switched it back to the blood pressure, tab and that's, causing it to transfer over one of one come back over to ecg there. It is you have the chance of naming it doing stuff and if i tap on it, i get the actual ecg chart. It gives you your height ratio at the beginning and the overall chart, and i touch it and i can make it bigger and touch it again. I can make it really small, so it has three different ranges of display and i can tap here and make it really large, and can i tap this? No, i guess not. I can just show it to you here at this particular scale and of course you could probably send it out as well there's the ranges you can tap here, like i say, or you can tap on the screen itself and here's where you send it out or You can throw it away so that's the ecg in the app when this is on your arm.

You can't really do it. You know on your arms, so this is the ecg reading is done directly on the device when you're holding it here and just cuddling it with its uh cuff okay, i'm, going to come back here and we're going to get ready to do blood pressure. For this. I got to put the cuff on: can you see me it's a little bit awkward? Okay, i've got this up above the crease of my wrist right there and i got the strap coming down. I got to pull it around behind me and attach it back that way and have this pointed more or less toward me with in line with the artery now i should be sitting at a chair and blah blah blah but i'm, not so i'm, going to hit The button here to start it and it's now compressing the cuff automatically. I know that's not in focus. If i move that, maybe this will focus up for us there. We go a little awkward to show you this thing working and my arm is definitely not relaxed right now, but it should pump up to about 200, maybe a little lower. I hear the motor going. I don't know if you do it's getting tight, yeah. Okay, i went to about 190. The flashing heart is the heart rate, it's, picking up the beats, it's, letting the air out automatically it's, not showing me a heart rate on the display, just the current pressure and taking a while a little longer than um mechanical ones.

There: okay, oh yeah, 154 over 102, with a heart rate of 77. that's, excessive and um. I don't buy it. I think it's simply because it's in the wrong position for me so i'm going to come back here to the blood pressure tab because i am already tethered. It is now um copying it over, and here we go when i tap on it now i get a chart that's showing where it is and uh the value with the heart pulse rate and map pulse pressure and uh. I mean it's slightly in the red zone. On this one, i could write a note. I could change the name of it. I could throw it away and i can export it and any of these here's some earlier ones when i really was relaxed way down in the green zone. So you see how critical it is. Uh that you set things up to do it properly. You get quiet, you get relaxed, it's better. If you haven't had caffeine rest for at least five minutes before you do it and yeah just uh. Take three of them is typically what i do with about. Five to ten minutes in between i'll get up move around a little bit drink. Some water sit down cuff up and do it again um, and then you got a variety of readings there to compare again. So you got blood pressure, you got ecg, you got the overall dashboard that's, showing you the last one here and then you've got your settings and that's the app okay.

Anything else. To tell you about this. Well yeah on the ecg. We did the basic one touching. The size, but if you remember that quick start manual here, if you get into this, you see that that's lead one there's a lead to where you can put it against the inside of your knee to get a different kind of a reading and then there's. This lead 2, which is actually lead 3. I think it's, a typo, you put it just above your navel on the heart side and then there's another one. The chest lead, which is just under your breast, a little high over there. Now i don't know why, for all of those, but the guidance is that you can – you can do that on any of these, but in all cases you're using your left arm to hold the device. It looks like on the left side and then you touch your body with it. No, no you're doing it this way, and you can see i don't practice for this, and then you touch your body uh on the left side by hold holding it. With your right hand, there you go right hand holding the right side of the unit. Touching start the button and you can get the you can get your reading and last thing um. It said for history hold this for two time or two seconds, and here you go. I'Ve got next there's the most current reading, and then there was the ecg that i did before that we did that on.

Oh look at that and it even plays it for you. I have nine total readings in here there's an earlier blood pressure. We showed you that here's an earlier ecg that i did and that's what that wave form looks like will get you there and get you a 15 discount it's designed for measuring blood pressure and handling ecg and being able to integrate those and transfer them over. To a phone app and, of course, from there to your doctor, if you need to go well, we'll see you over there. Well, hello again, i bet you didn't expect me to still be around. Oh, you can't get rid of me that easy. I have another product for you just in case you don't need the full on sophistication of a blood pressure cuff with ecg and everything else, but you still want wireless capability to be able to transmit the values that you get from a simple old fashioned style. Reading to a smart watch, this is what you're looking for again go. Well, you dot com, get your 15 discount off of this one and it's only sixty dollars, that's what it looks like called portable professional trends trackable in your phone, and basically you have these kind of displays that you'll see in your phone there's that readable. I hope so um trends and individual readings, as well as your heart wave uh from the ppg from the pulsing going through and easy easy easy.

You just enter the app and you take your measurement like you, normally would pumping it up and letting it bleed off and i'll share your results. If you want to so. Basically, you've got the cuff and it's, like any cuff it's a velcro attached thing. It shows you which way you're going to put it on your arm and you've got the valve here that you use to release to press it up and turn it on here after you've charged it with the charging cable so that you got power in it. I'M. Not sure what you do with that anybody know probably is in the manual and a little bag with nothing in it. Oh, i probably had that in it originally: okay, any user's manual. This is where we get down to the goodies, so we're going to page through this. If you get this cuff or even if you have a cuff already, you may want to take a look at these notes to make sure you're doing things right, because some of this is universal will apply to any kind of a cuff. And, of course, some of it is specialized to this quasi electronic and standard cuff the positioning, how you want to sit with your feet, both flat on the floor and your arm at heart level. All of that is standard and folks seriously, if you're going to do the cuff thing, do it right so that you get a really solid baseline reading.

Now many of you who are looking at getting the bands and watches that say they do blood pressure they're doing that against a universal standard, usually 120 over 80., but your uh blood pressure obviously is going to be different. So if you take a nice resting heart, um blood pressure reading with this calibrated cuff or the more sophisticated one we just looked at, then you can use that information. Now some of the apps will let you put that in say: you're 185 over 90. Usually you can tune that into the app for the watch and then when you're, using a watch or a band, and it gives you a blood pressure. Reading it'll be against that a little higher or a little lower than the standard that you put in so use a calibrated cuff it's, a great investment for only 60 bucks. Oh excuse me, 15 percent, less. If you go with uh go into their website. Search for the portable professional trends, it'll look like this on the screen, and i just put it in your cart and check out you'll get the discount at the end and then you'll have your baseline cuff that you can use anytime. You want to the whole family. Can use it? Okay, thanks for watching gang uh. Here you go for this one and don't forget we've, got this other more sophisticated one for 99, that does both blood pressure and ecg, and it automatically inflates and deflates.

You don't need to use the uh. The pressure thing, but it's a little bit more money but again, 15 off we'll, see you again soon thanks for watching gang. If you recall the beginning of this long video i mentioned, i have an interesting story about this product. The well you visual beat. This is the chest, strap that you wear it with with the electrode that make contact to your chest, and this just sits right in the middle of your chest and yeah. I was wearing this because i had some yard work to do quite a bit actually, and so i just let it go and it started recording data, and here is the transfer after the significant event that happened for me to the app – and this is a screenshot Of it, you see here on sunday september 27th about nine. In the morning i started doing yard work getting a little above my 120 threshold for aerobic exercise, but well below my 150 anaerobic zone, and that was going along fine for hours. No breakfast lunch no breaks a little bit of water yeah. I didn't treat my body well in that four and a half hour event and, as you can see at a certain time, something went wrong seriously wrong and this thing started vibrating like crazy. Now, when it got into the yellow zone, i'd feel a little every couple of seconds told me that i'm in my fat burning zone i'm in my aerobic zone – i'm – okay, but i'm above sedentary, but when it started going Applause, can you spell that i knew something? Was wrong and i was feeling a little dizzy too.

This is a blow up of that section of time right down here from about one o'clock till about 1 30.. It wouldn't stop. I stopped. I took a break. I took some water, i rested, but it didn't stop. I could feel it double vibrating. I knew something's wrong if i didn't have this on. I probably knowing me would have just continued and jumped up and kept working, but i didn't i stopped. I went inside and i waited now from about 1. 45 until 1444. Look at this well above uh, my 150 average of 151. It stayed really high, didn't drop down and i'm, not exercising folks, i was resting. I was laying down – and i got this so i ran some ecg charts now any of you guys out there, medical these are different minutes. The first second third, fourth fifth minute check these charts out that's what i'm getting they're really close together, but they're regular now, i've seen afib, where you get really crazy numbers and it's just totally irregular. But this is regular but it's extremely fast there's. The first minute there's the second minute exactly the same: the third fourth, the fifth i'm, getting a little bit of noise because i'm moving around i'm ready to you know like stop this thing already, yeah it wasn't until much later on sunday, september 27th after 4, 42. That i did this whole thing again and i had dropped back down. Everything was fine with the heart rhythm and it wasn't vibrating, but i was wearing it and i got this data here in that zone of three and a half hours i figured okay.

Wellue FDA Approved Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor with ECG/EKG Charts: Unboxing and 1st Look

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