
Do WhatsApp e ter, o mesmo WhatsApp do seu celular a aqui, no relgio um espelhamento possvel tambm acessar o YouTube ver vdeos ouvir msicas se voc quiser ouvir pelo alto-falante do relgio ou conectando a um phone Bluetooth, ento um, modelinho bem completo nesse, formato 4G.


O interessante que eu comprei esse relgio aqui atravs da Shopee eu consegui pagar nele um valor abaixo de 50. Ento voc, no vai pagar aquele imposto abusivo ele vai sair, a por volta de R$ 80 e vale bastante a pena porque alm de voc, voc, receber esse reloginho super completo esse modelo ele, j vem com, trs pulseiras e isso que eu vou mostrar para vocs em detalhes.


Nesse vdeo, vou, fazer com, vocs, aqui um, rpido, unboxing apesar de j ter tirado, o relgio da caixa para fazer, todos, os testes. Ento, esse, daqui, o C90, Max um reloginho legal porque, ele est sendo oferecido, num preo, bem acessvel e ele, um reloginho com, 4G com, GPS com, WiFi e uma, outra, coisa, bem bacana que esse modelo j, vem com, trs pulseiras.


Aqui, a gente tem algumas informaes do relgio. Essa verso que eu comprei informa que tem 4 GB de RAM e 64 GB de armazenamento ento teoricamente um relgio potente para essa faixa de preo. Aqui mais algumas informaes das, pulseiras. Vamos abrir aqui, a caixa ento, a gente tem aqui, o manual naquele mesmo padro, idioma, ingls, chins. As pulseiras no caso ele vem com, essa pulseira laranja que aquela pulseira que est sendo utilizada no Apple watch, ele, vem com, essa pulseira que tambm est sendo bastante utilizada. Olha s as cores, elas vm meio que aleatria e.

Design and Build

The silicone strap is smooth and comfortable. The smartwatch comes with a protective film and a glass screen protector already applied seamlessly. The magnetic charging system works efficiently, making it easy to charge the device. The body of the smartwatch is made of plastic, which makes it lightweight. The paint job on the plastic body is of high quality, giving it a premium look.


The smartwatch design is reminiscent of the Apple Watch Ultra, although there are some noticeable differences. The rotary crown button adds a functional touch to the device. There is a microphone for voice commands. The rear camera might seem unnecessary since it’s not practical for taking photos or videos while wearing the watch. The focus seems to be on using the camera when the watch is taken off.


The smartwatch lacks the traditional buckle clasps for the strap and has heart rate sensors, which are usually found on such devices. The screws on the back add to the overall aesthetic appeal of the smartwatch. The plastic body construction and design choices make the device stand out in terms of comfort and usability.

Design and Features

The Smartwatch C90 MAX comes with a unique design that includes a third button simulation on the side which actually opens up to reveal a slot for a SIM card. This makes it easy to access and insert your carrier’s SIM. The front of the watch features a 2.2-inch screen with good quality IPS display, providing great brightness, viewing angles, and color saturation.

Camera and Connectivity

One interesting feature of this smartwatch is the dual-camera setup, with a front-facing camera perfect for video conferencing and WhatsApp video calls. This ensures that you have the flexibility to use the camera for various purposes without any hassle. The watch also includes a speaker at the bottom for clear audio during calls or when playing music or watching videos.

Functionality and Applications

With access to the Play Store, you can download a wide range of apps, including music players, sports apps, and even games. The smartwatch supports apps like Uber, thanks to its 4G connectivity and GPS capabilities. This allows you to use the watch as a standalone device for various functions, similar to an Android smartphone.

Overall, the Smartwatch C90 MAX offers a range of features like Playstore support, Wifi, 4G connectivity, GPS, and dual cameras, making it a versatile and functional device for everyday use. Whether you need it for communication, fitness tracking, or entertainment, this smartwatch has you covered with its impressive capabilities.

Design and Connectivity

The Smartwatch C90 MAX boasts a sleek and modern design, with a bright display that offers good visibility even at half brightness. It comes equipped with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, as well as various modes such as Do Not Disturb, Mobile Data, Battery Saver, and Airplane Mode. Additionally, it features integrated GPS for accurate location tracking.

Features and Functionality

Sliding to the right reveals access to the Play Store, as well as options for date and time settings and a keyboard for making calls using the embedded SIM card. The menu options include a circular layout, a list format, and configurations with either nine or four apps per page. The watch also offers chat functionality for syncing contacts from Google or the SIM card, as well as SMS messaging.

App Integration and Performance

The Smartwatch C90 MAX does not support full app syncing for notifications, but it operates as a standalone device for installing and using apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram independently. While it may not display phone notifications directly, the watch allows for monitoring physical activities and tracking capabilities. Users can even make video calls using various apps such as WhatsApp.

Camera Capabilities

The device is equipped with both a rear VGA camera and a front-facing camera, suitable for capturing photos and videos under adequate lighting conditions. While the resolution may not be the highest, the cameras on the Smartwatch C90 MAX offer reasonable performance. The gallery function allows users to store photos, music, and files directly on the watch, providing convenient access to multimedia content.

Web Browsing and Additional Features

The Smartwatch C90 MAX includes a built-in web browser for basic internet browsing, and it supports the download of various applications using QR codes. Despite its limitations in certain aspects, such as camera quality and notification syncing, the watch offers a range of features for communication, productivity, and entertainment purposes. With its dual cameras, integrated GPS, and Wi-Fi connectivity, the Smartwatch C90 MAX provides an array of functions to enhance the user experience.

Unboxing do Smartwatch C90 MAX

Quando abrimos a caixa do Smartwatch C90 MAX, nos deparamos com um dispositivo elegante e moderno. Seu design minimalista e tela de alta qualidade chamam ateno logo de cara.

Configuraes e Funcionalidades

O Smartwatch C90 MAX vem com uma srie de funcionalidades interessantes, como a Playstore, Wifi, 4G, GPS e cmera dupla. Com tudo isso em mos, o usurio tem acesso a uma grande variedade de aplicativos e possibilidades.

Gravador e Pedmetro

O gravador interno do Smartwatch C90 MAX permite que o usurio faa gravaes facilmente, enquanto o pedmetro registra seus passos e queima de calorias ao longo do dia. Uma tima opo para quem busca melhorar a sade e o bem-estar.

Configuraes e Armazenamento

possvel configurar redes, ajustar o tamanho da fonte, ativar o bluetooth e muito mais no Smartwatch C90 MAX. Com 64GB de armazenamento interno, h espao de sobra para aplicativos, fotos e vdeos.

Desbloqueio Facial e Explorador de Arquivos

O desbloqueio facial adiciona uma camada extra de segurana ao dispositivo, enquanto o explorador de arquivos permite que o usurio explore facilmente toda a memria do relgio. Prtico e eficiente.

Play Store e Google Assistente

A Play Store do Smartwatch C90 MAX oferece uma ampla gama de aplicativos para download, tornando a experincia do usurio ainda mais personalizada. Alm disso, o Google Assistente est disponvel para auxiliar em diversas tarefas do dia a dia.

Google Calculadora e YouTube

Do Google calculadora uma calculadora que tambm Nativa aqui do sistema aqui a gente tem o YouTube uma, tela pequena, no to confortvel para voc, navegar, mas um, quebra galho se voc est na rua se voc est sem o seu aparelho celular d: para voc, navegar, no YouTube! Ele tem altofalante d, para voc, conectar, um, fone, bluetooth, tambm, voc, tambm, consegue, baixar, aplicativos de redes sociais por exemplo, o Facebook d, para voc, baixar, o Instagram d, para baixar, o telegram d, para baixar, tambm, o WhatsApp, a mesma forma de navegao que voc tem; no Seu aparelho celular d, para voc, digitar, texto d, para voc, mandar, udio d, para voc, fazer, videochamada, inclusive d, para voc, fazer, o espelhamento, do WhatsApp, do seu, aparelho celular aqui, pro relgio mantendo, os dois, WhatsApps, o mesmo nmero, para voc, navegar, tanto, no relgio, quanto, no Aparelho celular eu vou gravar um vdeo ensinando, a fazer essa configurao e vou deix vou disponibilizar esse vdeo aqui na descrio, o telegram tambm, voc, consegue, ter, o mesmo telegram, do seu, aparelho, celular aqui, no relgio eu baixei, o navegador, Google, Chrome, no temos, nenhum, aplicativo esportivo Nativo aqui no relgio mas como se trata de um relgio que tem GPS que tem wi-fi ento voc consegue entrar na Play Store e baixar algum aplicativo especfico por exemplo eu baixei aqui, o strava e voc, vai ter timos resultados, o Spotify tambm voc, consegue logar Na sua conta ouvir as suas msicas, a de forma independente tem, o Google Maps, como Eu mencionei um pouquinho desconfortvel Navegar em algumas, funes porque, a gente tem uma, tela pequena, mas uma, emergncia d, certo e funciona, a gente tem algumas watchfaces, no prprio sistema Olha que Bacana as watchfaces no so interativas Ento quando, voc, tem uma, funo, voc, clica, em, cima, voc, no vai, para essa, funo, uma, outra, coisa legal que d, para voc, colocar, uma, foto, uma, imagem da galeria aqui do relgio e uma.

Design and Features

The Smartwatch C90 MAX comes with a variety of features that make it a versatile and useful device. One interesting feature is the ability to block the watch face rotation, allowing you to choose when to switch between watch faces. However, it lacks the sensor that automatically turns off the screen when you move your wrist downward or when you cover the screen with your palm. This can be a downside for some users, as you have to manually press a button to turn the screen on or off.

Display and Performance

The Smartwatch C90 MAX boasts a high-quality display with good viewing angles, brightness, resolution, and color saturation. Despite claiming to have 4GB of RAM, the system performance may not be as fluid as expected. While it doesn’t experience frequent lagging or freezing, the system performance does not fully align with the amount of RAM it supposedly has. The battery life is average, lasting approximately a day to a day and a half depending on usage. Factors such as notifications, GPS usage, and individual usage habits can greatly affect the battery life.

Comfort and Wearability

Despite its robust design, the Smartwatch C90 MAX is comfortable to wear and relatively lightweight. It is slightly thicker than some other smartwatches, such as Apple Watch replicas, but still remains comfortable for daily wear. It lacks the feature that automatically turns the screen on and off based on wrist movements or palm covering, which may be a drawback for some users who prefer this convenience.

App Experience

The accompanying app for the Smartwatch C90 MAX offers a familiar experience for those who have used similar apps on smartwatches. It is not a dedicated social media notification hub; instead, it focuses on tracking and communication features. While some users may miss the convenience of receiving social media notifications directly on the watch, the app provides a practical and user-friendly interface for communication and tracking purposes.

Unboxing: What to Expect

The Smartwatch C90 MAX comes with a sleek design and a variety of features that make it stand out in the market. When you open the box, you will find the smartwatch neatly packed along with three different wristbands for customization. The build quality of the smartwatch is impressive, with a sturdy feel and a modern look.

Features and Functionality

One of the standout features of the C90 MAX is its ability to work independently without the need to sync with a smartphone. With a built-in 4G connection, you can make calls, access the internet, and even use WhatsApp directly from the smartwatch. The GPS feature allows for accurate tracking of your location, making it ideal for outdoor activities. Additionally, the dual cameras on the smartwatch provide the convenience of capturing moments directly from your wrist.

User Experience

Using the Smartwatch C90 MAX is a seamless experience, thanks to the user-friendly interface and the integration of popular apps like Spotify for music streaming. The touch screen is responsive, making it easy to navigate through different functions. The battery life is impressive, lasting through an entire day of use with moderate to heavy usage.

The Smartwatch C90 MAX offers a decent set of features for its price point. The lightweight design and premium finish make it a good option for those looking for a stylish and functional smartwatch. While some features may seem unnecessary, the overall performance and user experience are satisfactory.

Overall, the Smartwatch C90 MAX offers a compelling package for those looking for a versatile and feature-packed wearable device. From its independent connectivity to the convenience of dual cameras, this smartwatch caters to a wide range of user needs. With an affordable price point and stylish design, the C90 MAX is definitely worth considering for anyone in the market for a new smartwatch.

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