Today we have this legendary smart watch phone let’s go ahead and open this and show you guys what we have inside here here is the watch. We have blue and dark blue silicon. Strap pretty awesome screen in here, let’s see what else it comes with here is the watch. Phone user manual comes with a watch phone charging, cable user manual and the sim card picker. So here is the display Music. How to choose the correct sim sim card installation here’s, the app you can download it on your cell phone and use it for your watch, registration and login information in here. How you can do it, and here is the scan and how you can start using the app let’s see on the back side of the manual. There are more in here here’s the key operation basic operation charging, how you can do the charging basic functionality of this watch chat. Phone, video call camera – we can add friends, definitely has a wi, fi settings and positioning. You can also count your steps using this watch. Here is the specification Music. Let me go and show you what we have on this watch i’ll go ahead and turn it on first Music. Here it is to unlock you just swipe it up, showing the time and the date Music it’s, very, very interactive, it’s, very smooth and interactive. I really like it so far, so let me show you some features on this watch here is where you can put the sim card.
You will need a nano sim card for this watch. Music. Here is the speaker on the top of the watch. Camera 2 megapixel right here here is the power button, mic Music, charging connection Music. So overall it’s a pretty amazing watch i’ll go ahead and charge. This watch now and we’ll go ahead and use it and see how it works. Here’S, the watch and the charger that comes with the set this wall port does not come with the set, and i will go and start charging it Music. So right here is the connection, and the back side is magnetic just have to put it in like this and it’s attached now, Music. If you look at the front screen, you will see it charging it’s pretty visible, so we’ll. Let this watch charge for a little bit now so now we’re going to show you how you can download the app you needed to use this watch with. I have my iphone i’m gon na go ahead and open my camera. Just gon na scan the qr code, it’s gon na tell you you can open it in safari once it opens, it will go ahead and choose app store Music and i’m gon na get this app Music, and here it is it’s installing right now, it’s going to Take a few seconds to install it that’s it we’ll, go and open this for now, we’ll not allow it to send the notification. This is where you can log in and register, and this is how you’re going to set it up now i’m going to go ahead and set up the wi fi.
So you just keep on scrolling until you see more go to settings Music, wlan, i’m gon na turn it back on. It comes as a green and here’s my wi fi i’m gon na go ahead and enter the password. So now the wi fi is turned on. I have entered my password and it’s connected to my wi fi. I will go back to step number. Seven, look for the bind watch code so i’m already on the bind spot, i’ll click on it, and this should be the bind code on my cell phone. I have my scan watch qr code for the blind code. I’Ll try to scan this Music so once the binding code is verified, you can go ahead and put your name in here and send the application that’s what we’re going to do now. Once you enter the information for your name and your kids name, you can go ahead and click on your homepage and confirm you can just go ahead and set up your contact, information and save it, and that should be good to go once the watch is set Up and the app is set up on your cell phone. I do not have a sim card on this watch, yet i can make a video call using the cell phone and look here. It’S gon na ring on the Music Music watch there. It is and that’s how you can use the setup. This watch is a waterproof wash with a gps tracking we’re going to go ahead and try this now in the swimming pool.
Let’S. Look at it: Music, Music, Music, Music, Music, oh Music.