But yes, for the past few months i have been using smart watches to elevate my weight or to reduce my weight, and today i have a treat for you, because we have something that is mura and focuses on health and fitness. Hey guys, i see urimo smartwatch curved display slim design, battery up to 15 days, features like upgraded heart rate, sensor, pedometer, calorie counter 13 training modes, merchant, music control, bluetooth, pi, point ownership, metadata activity and sleep monitor and yes, merchant notification supports again facebook notification, guys ive Been using this for a couple of days now – and all i can say is its very effective consistently but yes lets check it out. Raimo smart watch, whats the bins and youre watching on boss. Ladies Music, all right here we go, but before we start, i have some good news for all you guys out there tamar. Thank you for one like subscriber get a chance to win the remo smartwatch and all you need to do is subscribe, hit the bell icon. So that you dont miss any of my great content plus follow the mechanics down below so descriptions. Okay, green is the color today and you watch ill feature. Silicon casama specs on 365 days, warranty hindu one year 365 days, keep guys johanna, strap my butt diamond design effect teenage man super sleek and sexy. That is nine point. Ninety five millimeters sensors heart rate it charging port and embankment and thats pretty much it.
Actually. The watch is mostly plastic material, which is okay. You want a wearable that is not too heavy and some say some wearable is very light. Cha para screen size 1.69 inches at 240×280 resolution. Ips lcd display, oh by the way weight is 44 grams. Long sorry watch and, as you can see, you watch a touch screen up and down left and right to access different windows of the device measurement graph. My statistics is very easy to understand, swipe down, pass the settings and other preferences swipe right for the stats swipe left for the other options, like your training mode, music messages stopwatch timer flashlight nice, but can it find very useful feature overall? I, like the interface, its very foreign Music, foreign, Music Applause, Music, a few moments later and lets not forget about this app latimer, smartwatch, amero app and the orima smartwatch has the joyware 2. This is the application where you can see all of your data and once added all your data will show up here. You can set goals also, if you want the sports mode to be much more detailed, merchandise, very basically, im gon na interface, no its not as uh massive as the other smart watches better. I, like the rainbow yeah, you said goals you guys accepted.