You will find the links to the products in the description and you can use the links to check the latest prices and other user reviews make sure to watch to the end of the video to know our final verdict and whether this fitness tracker is worth the Purchase before we get started on the video i’d like to share a joke, i’ve been squatting at the gym. I sleep in one of the lockers and so far i haven’t been busted and now let’s get started on the video sun 27 overview. The sun 27 was created to appeal to outdoor users since the brand lost its touch in the gps watch space. All sun 2 designs usually have a unique look, which is a round watch face, bordered by a distinct bezel that has navigation buttons. The watch band is silicone and the watch generally looks more like a gps sports watch than a wear os watch normally wear os has more benefits with a rotational crown, but the sun, 2 7 doesn’t have one. The watch face is much bigger compared to its predecessors, and it might be a bit too big for some, especially those who have small wrist it’s, still pretty light, despite its large size, weighing in at 70 grams. What we liked it’s very durable and has a high end design. It gives solid performance, it has a two day battery life. It has accurate gps tracking, it has plenty of workout modes and health features.
What we didn’t like not compatible with external heart rate, sensors, expensive. The activity metrics usually split up between the sun2, app and google fit. The wear. Os has limitations that interfere with the overall experience. Sun 2 7 specifications. As for this table, you can see the sun27 has a wide display with the high resolution. It is also compatible with both ios and android devices and has a gps connectivity things you should know before buying the sun27, the wear os and the sun27 comes with a lot of software limitations. That makes it feel less like a traditional gps. Fitness watch incorporating the wear os was not the right move for the watch. It also doesn’t have any external heart rate sensors, which might be a bit disappointing to users. However, the onboard heart rate sensor works quite well. Additionally, the sun2 app doesn’t show all the activity stats and you need to use google fit to see the other stats that aren’t being shown. The watch only sends workout metrics to the sun2 app such as heart rate and speed, but doesn’t send the daily activity metrics. Such as steps and calories, sun, 2, 7 features design and navigation. The sun 27 is made of polyamide material. That makes it feel very sturdy and comfortable. It has four buttons around the watch case where the top left button is the home or all apps button. The top right button is a non programmable button and the other two buttons are programmable.
You can also navigate the operating system through the touchscreen controls. It is big for the purposes of the display and battery. It has a two day battery life, which is not a small feat for a wear os watch. This battery life is legitimate for normal, smart watch use, which includes receiving notifications, tracking workouts and using google play. However, if you’re continuously running the gps, the battery life will drop down to 12 hours. In addition, it’s the first wear os watch to include the qualcomm snapdragon 3100 power saving sports mode, which generally gives a good performance, fitness and health tracking. This feature includes tracking over 70 sport modes, such as hiking swimming outdoor running, etc. It works perfectly during outdoor activities because it supports offline outdoor maps. This enables you to see where you’re going, even though you don’t have a stable connection. These offline maps are extremely detailed and automatically update when the watch is charging and, if you’re connected to wi fi. It also includes built in gps, a barometric altimeter and an optical heart rate sensor. You can track your fitness stats using the sun2 app and google fit. The sun2 app only shows workout metrics, so you need google fit to view the daily activity, metrics heat maps, if you’re a first time, sunto user. You will be highly impressed by the heat maps feature which enables you to see frequently traveled areas by other sun2 users. It also makes it very easy for you to stay safe by showing well traveled paths if you’re on a running or hiking trail using a bright, yellow, color on the path.
The paths that are taken semi frequently are shown using dark orange lines. Additionally, sun 27 includes a watch face for the heat maps, feature that auto updates based on your location, it’s, a pretty incredible watch face and supports 15 activities. You can therefore zoom in and out on your current location and select from the 15 available heat maps. Final verdict: should you get the sun27 it’s a high quality watch with a luxurious design? It is a bit too pricey, considering all the limitations it comes with, but as far as wear os watches go, the sun27 is your best bet when it comes to features it contains. Who is the sun27 best suited for it is best suited for those who are within the budget and won’t be turned off by the negatives? Are there any alternatives to the sun27? The garmin venue is a good alternative to the sun27. Is this a fitness tracker? You would like to buy if you like this video, please hit the thumbs up button and subscribe to our channel.